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You slept in.

What's new?

So again, your late.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" you were muttering as you hastily threw on your wrinkled uniform.

The doorbell rang.

The 'ding' surprised you. There was never any visitors except Tendou but he preferred to jump in your window.

Who could it be at this hour?

You opened the door to see a tired looking Tanaka at the door.

"Huh? Why are you here baldy?"

He scratched the back of his head, looking down.
"We all knew you would be late so my sister said she'd drive you to school."

"Your sister?"

Just then, one of the most beautiful girls you had ever seen came to your door.

You choked.

"Hey, Tanaka whats taking so long?" Then she saw you staring at her. "Oh hey cutie, I'm Saeko"

The steam coming out of your ears was practically visible. How were you gonna last an entire car journey with her. You might just melt.

"I- hi..PRETTY, fuck." You were really messing this up. Your cheeks were so red you thought they might burst. "DO YOU LISTEN TO GIRL IN RED?OR JOJO SIWA?"

Why you asked that? No one can say for sure.

"I do....." she was looking at you smirking. "Come on cutie or else you're gonna be double late"

You spent the entire journey talking to Tanaka about volleyball, but your eyes were... elsewhere( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


When Saeko had left you turned to Ryo.


Nishinoya had spotted the two of you bickering and decided he needed to solve this quarrel....

By jumping on top of you and Tanaka.


Nishinoya was beaming.

God dammit he's so cute.
"Hey shortie"

"Y/n I am not small" the little gremlin growled.

"Whatever you say shortie"


You lay back in your chair, swinging your legs.
Everyday you had class with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. The three of you had grown closer. Well as close at Tsukishima gets, but you and Yamaguchi were always talking.

"Y/n if you keep swinging like that you're gonna fall" said a salty voice.

You just stuck your tongue out at him.

The teacher suddenly called your name, but you weren't listening. The window was much more interesting.

"Y/N" Tsukishima shouted in your ear.

"AGHH FUCK" you shouted as you fell off your chair. "That hurt"

You looked back up to Tsukishima who was laughing at you. You were gonna get him back for this.

You ignored the teacher giving out to you for not paying attention and swearing in class.

"Tsukishima come collect your homework sheet" the teacher called.

Mwahahahaha the perfect opportunity.
As he passed you stuck out your leg and as planned...

he fell.

Flat on his stupid face.

He looked back at you. His nose was bleeding. He was pissed.

"Uh oh" you whispered.

"Y/n run" Yamaguchi said

You didn't hesitate.

You ran like the fastest bitch ever.

.......straight into the door.

Now your nose was bleeding.


Both you and Tsukishima were sitting opposite each other in the nurses office, with tissues held against your noses.

The nurse informed us that they weren't broken, but we would have to wait to go back to class.

You looked at your tall friend. He didn't have his glasses on. He looked different.

He looked hot.....

"I'm sorry Tsukki"

"Shit y/n, you sound like Yams"

This earned a giggle from you.

"It's ok..." he continued. "It's my fault in the first place"

"I think it's both our fault" you moved to sit beside him. "Hey why is you bed more comfy than mine?"

The window was open and a soft, cold breeze made you shiver a bit. The blue sky was so pretty.
You felt an arm around your shoulder. It was warm.
You didn't look at him and he didn't look at you.

You were both idiots.

Constantly teasing each other, picking fights.

When both of you just wanted to feel comfort in one another.

You leaned on his shoulder, closing your eyes.
"So comfortable....." you whispered as you began to doze off.

"Y/n, why are you driving me crazy like this?" Tsukishima whispered, he knew you were asleep so you couldn't hear him. "Why do you look at me that way? Why do I only tease you?" He brushed the hair out of your face.
"I want to look at you and tell you how pretty you are...."
Tsukishima didn't know why he felt like this.

Did he like you?

He wasn't sure what this feeling was. But he could never act on it. He knew he wasn't the only one on the volleyball team feeling like this. And volleyball comes first. He couldn't let his feelings get in the way of the team. He would make sure to never become a burden. To the team and especially you.

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