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You opened the gym doors to see your setter standing before you.

"Umm you're here. I had a line prepared but it feels weird to say it now"

"Of course I came, please tell me. I really want to hear it"

"Ahem... I know I'm called the....uhhh.. king of the court, so will you be...." he looked away ".....my queen?"

"Oh Kageyama" you couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey don't laugh" he pouted.

You hugged him "I would love to be your queen".

Honestly you couldn't think when you started liking him but you knew it had been a while.

Just seeing him play volleyball made your heart race. When he set the ball perfectly to you it felt like you were on top of the world.

You stood hugging him.

That day you were in the field of flowers with him felt magical. The rush of running away holding hands was such a rush.

When you saw him smile it made you smile.

You were in love with him for sure.

"I like you Kageyama"

"I-I like you too" he blushed.

You smiled brighter than you ever had before

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