Shirtless Ushijima

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Was your arm broken?

Probably not. You're just kinda dramatic.

You decided 'fuck confrontation' and climbed in the window at the side of your house.

It was the bathroom window and you prayed Tendou wasn't taking a shit at that moment.

You fell through and landed harshly. It hurt like a bitch.

"Ughhhhh" you groaned.

"Y/n, can I please ask what you are doing right now?"




"I HAVE THE WORST LUCK" you screamed (in your head)

You looked up to see Ushijima shirtless. He must have been just out of the shower. He hair was wet. He looked incredible......

"Ummmm... I get bored of using doors?" You didn't think he'd buy it but it was the first thing that came to mind.

"Oh alright then"


"I'm just gonna leave now" you turned around to go back out the window and realised there was no way you could get up there.


You couldn't ask Ushijima for help, but you couldn't walk out the bathroom door because Tendou would get the wrong idea.

"Y/n? You're just standing there, are you ok?"

Even though you were clearly not ok, you nodded.

"Ushijima can you please put a shirt on?" You were practically drooling at this stage. How is his body so good?

"I accidentally only brought shorts, shall I go get it?"

"Ya and while your at it make sure that the coast is clear of Tendou. I'm gonna make a break for it."


Ushijima peeked out the door and looked back at you signalling that Tendou was nowhere to be seen.

You tiptoed to the door and ran down the hallway.

You made it to your room.

There was a small knock on the door.

"Whyyyyyyyy?" you groaned.

You opened the door to a still shirtless Ushijima.

"Y/n my clothes are in your room"

"Oh, um come in so"

You say cross legged on your bed, watching your tall friend.

"Y/n, can I ask for some advice?"

"Of course"

"So I like someone......


......and I'm not sure how to express my feelings"

"Well, do you think they like you back?"

"I'm not sure"

"Do you two talk a lot?"

"Yes but she goes to a different school, so we don't talk as much as I would like"

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