Hike pt 1

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"Wake up"

You slowly lifted your head from your pile of drool. You pillow had a puddle and your hair was in knots.

"I said wake up"

"An angel?" You couldn't see properly because you hadn't quite woken up yet.


"Ohhhhh it's Tsukishima" you realised. Out loud.

"Get up" he threw a pillow at you.

"Why are you in here? I could be naked for all you know"

"Gross no one needs to see that. But Kiyoko and Yachi left so I got sent up"

"Awwww you're so kind"

"I pulled the short straw"


"Shut up"

You crawled out of your mess of a bed. And went into the bathroom to fix yourself up.
You saw how awful you looked (mornings do not suit you) and thought about how Tsukishima had seen you like this. But you were too tired to be self conscious.

After freshening up you popped out of the bathroom. All chirpy.

"Stop being so happy it's annoying"

You stood on your tip toes and pinched his cheeks.
"Don't be so salty baby" you smiled and skipped away to breakfast.

There was no way to tell if the redness on Tsukishima's cheeks was from you pinching them or if he was blushing.


One of the coaches stood up. "There are no practice matches today..."

"YAYYYYYYY" you and Bokuto high fived.

".....instead we are going on a six hour hike"

Your face fell.
What the actual fuck?

"You are going to be divided into groups and sent on the hike"

"Woohooo" you high fived Bokuto again. You two better be in the same group.

"I'll call out the groups now and then you have 10 minutes to grab your gear and get to the front of the building"

"Team 1

Team 2
- Yaku

Team 3

The coach continued to call out teams but you had blanked.

What the hell was your team...


"Stupid" you packed your bag angrily. "Mother fucker. Six hours. Little bitch."

There was a knock on your already half open door. "Hey, I heard someone packing angrily"

"Oh hey Kyotani. We're on the same team."

"Ya the rest of our team is pretty shit though. I don't think I'll last 6 hours without killing one of them"

"Give me the knife you packed" you reached out your hand.

"What! I have no knife. Y/n you think so little of me" Kyotani pretended to be shocked.

"I'm not digging through your bag. I know you brought it for 'survival purposes' but you will try and kill someone."

"Fine." He handed you a pocket knife.

"And your Swiss Army knife"

"No way. We actually need that"

"So I'll bring it. A tool is a weapon in your hands"

"I can say the same for you"

"I only fight with my fists"

"Ya real smart y/n"

"I feel like your mocking me but I'm too dumb to realise..... LETS GO"

You grabbed his arm and ran out the door. His hand slid into yours as you both races through the building.

"Oh hey it's Kuroo. Waityouronourteam" you said way too quickly. And proceeded to grab his arm with your free hand.

"Wai-" he tried to talk but was pulled around at top speed. The best he could do was try not to fall.

You were the first to get to the front of the hotel.

"We haven't started the walk yet" Kuroo pointed out.

"Aww ok"


Bokuto was bounding through the halls. You had never seen someone get so much height when skipping. You were going to have to ask him for tips later.

"IM ALL READY BRO" you lied.

This was going to be torture. 6 whole hours with flirty Kuroo, bouncy Bokuto, Salty Tsukishima and Kyotani.

"You can carry my bag y/n" Tsukishima dropped his bag into your hands.

"Ummm why?"

"Cause you're always boasting about how strong you are, so now you get to show it"

"Alright then, challenge accepted"

His bag was actually pretty heavy but you're pretty stubborn so you had to carry it.

"Aw Tsukishima don't be so mean to little shorty. She might be strong but her little legs won't carry her very far if she carries your bag too" Kuroo winked at you.

"Ew" you stuck out your tongue.

"She'll be fine" Kyotani shouldered Kuroo as he walked past him.

You blushed. Kyotani never underestimated you. You were always grateful for his comments. He's like a protective older brother.

A coach came up to your group. "Ok team 3, team 1 and 2 are already gone. You can go now"

So you began walking. For some reason Bokuto had the map. But it was more like a toy for him. Kuroo was trying to convince Tsukishima that volleyball wasn't just a club.
So you walked beside Kyotani.

"THIS TURN HERE GUYS!!" Bokuto shouted.

"Are you sure Bokuto?" Kuroo asked. "It doesn't look very safe..."


"Well ok then I believe you Bokuto" you patted him on the shoulder. "This way it is"


"It was the wrong way wasn't it"

"I'm sorry y/n" Bokuto looked deflated. Was this his emo mode?

"It's ok, this might be a shortcut!"

Kuroo came up to you and whispered in your ear. "Stop encouraging him we're gonna die out here"

"Don't worry" you whispered back. "I have a load of food and Kyotani knows how to hunt."

"He knows how to hunt?"

"I sure do" he butted in. " I suggest using the beanpole for bait first"

"We can't use Tsukishima as bait Kyotani" you rolled your eyes. "He's too salty, he will drive away the food."

"Guys do realise this is a forest next to a town. Not the wilderness. I can literally see lights from the town from here." Tsukishima chided.

"Hey what are you guys whispering about?" Bokuto had realised he was the only one not in the little huddle.

"Umm your birthday?"




Thank god he's a simpleton.

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