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You opened the gym door to see an uncomfortable looking Oikawa there.

"O-Oikawa" you stuttered.

He was an idiot. But an idiot you loved.

You knew how hard it must have been for him to write that letter.

"Y/n..... you actually came?"

"Of course" you looked down at the ground.

You didn't want to accept your feelings.

He liked you back?

You had denied your feelings for him all along.

But the idiot grew on you.

And before you knew it, in a crowd of people you hoped to see his face......

.....his soft brown hair

.....his deep brown eyes

...his gentle smile

And his stupid grin.

You loved him.

But so did his fans..

You wanted to cry.

Why did he like you?

"I know what you're thinking y/n, but I feel the same, I just hope even though there are so many people who love you that you can love me. From day one I only had eyes for you. I'm sorry I was an idiot."

"No don't be sorry, I love you because of the way you are-"

"Wait you love me?"

"Ummm yes"

He came up to you and hugged you.
"I don't wanna hear anything else, that's all I ever wanted"

He pulled away from the hug and looked you in the eyes.

He placed his hand on your chin and pulled your face gently forward for a kiss.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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