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He has found religion. He has been overwhelmed by an OW, and left his wife. He has had a near death experience, and feels it is a cathartic moment, which sees him professing his love for his primary, and confessing all "our" nasty little secrets, that we promised to take to the grave.

Whatever the motivation, the reality is that you must prepare to be alone on a team. For this reason, it is best that you sow the seeds of this failing lifelong relationship.

After a really happy moment between you and your Primary, like after sex, or some great news, in that quiet vulnerable moment that occurs between couples, confess a deep dark secret.

No, not that you idiot! Get that shit out of your mind – remember the first guideline.

Confess in a very sombre, almost pained tone, that you think the guys, your lifelong buddies, secretly have jealousy issues with you. She will be more likely to believe you for two reasons. The time that you have exposed your innermost feelings – that vulnerable couple moment, and two, all women secretly think all of their girlfriends are secretly jealous of them as well, so she may see you as an ally, or a sympathetic port, when the time comes for her to tell you one of her friends is trying to destroy her.

This will be the tool that will keep her sane, if, heaven forbid, the attack comes from within, and it is one of your loyal soldiers, comrade in arms, exposing your secrets.

Now, the detail and intensity of your buddy's revelation will be hard for her to overcome, but, as in the first story, in the first guideline, even a one percent doubt is enough to see you through, as long as you maintain your innocence, and never falter in your version of the stories.

Besides, the more the detail and intensity expressed by your former buddy, the more it can be used by you to demonstrate your point, that it is something personal between the two of you.

It is also important that you do not reciprocate and tell his wife anything, or for that matter, treat him with any animosity, as your calm could be seen as your confidence in the rightness of your position, as well as, it leaves room open for reconciliation between you and your former buddy, which could culminate with him retracting all that he said, and confessing his deep, long held, anger at you, for some innocuous schoolyard slight, that involved his first love.

Want to be even more conniving? Of course you do. Then use an opportunity where one of your team has broken up with his Primary, to stage the above scenario. The drama of him telling her about her worst fears, and then recanting, puts you in a very strong position, if another team member, or even some other guy friend, breaks code and snitches. If you pay attention, you will see common themes in this publication, that makes it more than just a funny book, and takes into the realm of a reference guide, that transcends our present place in time.

So even though we exist in the present, I can not stress enough, the importance of the past. But for our next guideline, we will be dealing with the future, and the joys and challenges it brings.

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