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I know you couldn't resist reading the Note for men and I am guessing you're happy you did. I hope it made you smile, but I also hope you get why this book was REALLY written; to let you inside the secret world of guys.

I've heard it said many times. If a guy wants to know what is the most extreme version of a woman, go read a Cosmo or watch Lifetime Network. You are sure to learn the secret language, and deepest thoughts of women.

This is exactly what I did here with this publication. I have given you an insider's look at the most extreme version of men, and their deepest darkest thoughts. Be guided by such.

Finally, let me apologize for the often crass, and seemingly demeaning manner I sometimes employed, in getting across my points. It was not meant to do harm, or as some sort of misogynistic thrill ride, but merely as an open and honest look at the worst that us men can produce.

So this is the good news. But as with all good news, I have to share a little caveat to the preceding revelations made, that will probably temper your joy, and explain why I said in the special note to men, that there was a very small group of men, who will continue to have smiles on their faces.

The first group, who are still smiling, is the non cheaters. Yes ladies, there are men out there that don't, or won't cheat. Trust me on that. The revelations in the book simply do not apply to them ,and more likely than not, they are happy that cheaters are getting their just deserts. You see, many in this group have had to deal with women damaged by cheaters, and oftentimes, these men are lumped in the 'all men are dogs' box, so they suffer mistrust, and have to carry baggage, that they had no part in creating. This group is also mocked as wimps, and are labeled pussy whipped, all because of their loyalty. So payback is a bitch..

And now for the really bad news. The second group continues to smile because of one simple fact. This book will separate the sheep from the goats for them, clearing the field for more successful incursions, by them. They thrive on challenges and see this as a way to test their skill levels. Men are so competitive. But I am guessing you already know this.

The really bad news is that even with the release of this book to the public, there are others already working on, and developing new techniques and strategies to cheat. It's like how the US army releases tech to the public, only when they already have more advanced stuff to depend on.

But fear not ladies, all is not lost. For personalized, one on one advice you can contact me on Facebook at Timothy Christopher P Nokio. I promise to deliver the truth in a no nonsense way; as long as you can handle it.

I say it that way, because the reality is, many of you out there reading this book will continue to fall victim to the machinations of a deluded, often pitiful, mind.

"Maybe my role is to make him a better person by him seeing how badly he treats me". Said by a woman after receiving a terrible beating at the hands of her boyfriend, to justify and continue, an abusive relationship.

One of the saddest things I have ever heard, but a clear example that, no matter how hard we try, there are some that can not be reached.

For the rest of you, I hope I have been of service.

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