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Over a good career of cheating, it becomes very likely that you will, at some point in time, have to encounter one of your outside women's spouses.

You see, women, no matter how rational, do irrational things. So, in a fit of jealous rage, where she "thinks" her spouse is cheating, she blurts out that you and her have been fucking, to her her man.

Now there are other ways for him to "find out", but this is the most likely, and the most difficult to deal with. Also, the guidelines outlined to deal with the tattle tale OW, works for all lesser circumstances, not the other way around.

At this point, I want to introduce you to a term that you will be seeing a lot of, as you read on. I am confident, you will come to appreciate its value.

"Sowing the seeds."

Hollywood writers call it a backstory. Persons who partake in games of strategy ,call it plotting, but for you, it simply means, placing things in the mind of others, that can explain, and in some cases, excuse possible outcomes.

Remember you know the outcome. In this case, your Outside Woman tells her spouse about you, and what the two of you have been doing.

Knowing the outcome, allows you to properly prepare for it, so you can sow the seeds, or backstory enough information, that allows you to get out of this particular situation.

With our first, and most important guideline in mind, you know that admitting is not an option, so when confronted by an angry spouse, you must have something that will trigger his immediate calming.

"She's only saying it's me to protect her real man".

It does not matter how angry this guy is, or how prepared he was to beat you to a pulp, saying these simple set of words, or ones that convey the same message, stops him dead in his tracks.

You have managed in just a few words, to not only take yourself out of this situation, and also dispersed blame to her, but most importantly, you've given him what he really wants – "the truth." Nice huh?

He will hear you out. Once he does, it is important that you say the right thing.

"I am gay and she's actually fucking Jim from her the office".

This "admission" does two things. It takes you out as a potential threat, because you can't be sexually attracted to his woman, and two, it gives him a name for him to refocus his anger.

Now, I know saying you're gay might be too much for some of you, and whilst you can just give him a name, and perhaps say you have another girlfriend to vouch for you, I am giving you the best strategy for the worst case scenarios.

M. Night Shyamalan, James Cameron, George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg – all great storytellers, know the Hollywood secret, and that is, a story does not have to be true to catch the audience; but it has to be believable.

Perhaps more than the others, Shyamalan knows that in order to spring a surprise ending, one must have left enough clues along the way. So when it comes, you say, "Yes, that makes sense" or in Shyamalan's case "Sixth Sense".

If you were fortunate/unfortunate enough to have met your OW spouse at the mall, movie theatre, or at a function, in the past; that would have been an ideal opportunity to have sown an, "I'm really Gay" seed.

As you shake his hand, pay him a weird compliment. "Nice shirt", "Nice shoes", "Manly hands" or turn to your OW and say "Just as you said, handsome."

It would definitely help if bouncing them up at the movies were not an accident, and you and one of your hunting buddies were there together, dressed in your most metro-sexual clothes.

The time taken by you both to do this could save your life, and you all would not even have to go see a movie.

Gay seed sown, lets refocus on what really motivates your OW spouse – the man she is cheating with.

It can't be some random name that you throw out. You have to have information at your fingertips, that you are willing to share with the OW's spouse, so he can "believe" what you are saying, comes from the heart, and it is not some story that you had time to construct.

For this reason it is very important to talk to your OW about potential suitors. This should be easy, since most OWs tell you stuff like that unsolicited anyway, as a way to test your feelings for them.

In fact, an appropriate response to this probing by your OW, is to encourage a meeting between her and her potential suitor.

This does two things. It reinforces your lack of commitment to her, and secondly it provides fodder for your story, that you might have to tell her angry spouse, at a later date.

So whilst playing the gay card "might" spare your life, at least monemtarily, snitching on Jim and giving details will ensure he fiirmly believes you are now on his side.

In the court of angry spouse opinion, you have not only discredited the prosecution's main witness, but you have also managed to point the guilty finger at another. Hell, after pouring out his soul to you at the closest bar, angry spouse might even feel the need to pay for your beers, and the food you ate. Here, you can also throw out random names of guys she works with.

You see, we instinctively know that there is a lot of sexual tension at work, because we all have felt it, or engaged in it, in some form or the other.

The work environment is like the schoolroom for adults. It is where we learn, further learn, and participate in sexual activities. This leads to a topic I promised to deal with in an earlier guideline, cheating at work.

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