Starting The Job

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You finally made it to where you wanted to be in life. You're an FBI agent, and you feel great about starting the job. You're single, living in an amazing apartment, and you're ready to start you're life.

"Welcome to the FBI, Y/N. Here's your badge and gun. Use it well. I'm Aaron Hotchner, your boss. Good luck out there."

You walk away from Hotchner's office but can't help to look over your shoulder back at it. You see him looking through the open blinds with his arms crossed with a sexy stern expression on his face.

You know you can't fall for your boss, so you turn back around with a smile, and meet the crew. The BAU members seemed fun, like a group of people you would love to be around for the coming years.

"Y/N, can you please come to my office?" You hear Hotchner say.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble. He takes all the new recruits out for coffee.", J.J. assured me.

You walk up to his office and he closes the door behind you.

"We're going to go to Starbucks, my treat. We can talk so I can get to know you better." Hotchner said, almost smiling.

You arrive at Starbucks, nervous for this some sort of interview or "chat" with the boss.

"I'm going to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." Hotchner said, leaving the table you had sat down at.

You decided to get up and follow him, down the little hallway where the bathrooms were located.

He sees you behind him and says "You gotta use the bathroom too? How funny.", with a serious expression on his face. You look into his eyes and back him up into the men's bathroom. He looks confused as you put him against the wall.

"Y/N, this is the men's room. I don't know what you think you're doing but you have to leave now." Hotchner said, almost out of breath, looking into your eyes.

You maintain eye contact for ten seconds and then he crashes into your lips. His tongue explored your mouth as you feel his warm hands grab your waist.

He then lets your lips breathe while still staying close, then he grabs your hand and you run to an available stall, both giggling.

Hotchner closes the stall door behind you, and continues where he left off.

He grabs your waist, pressing you into his waist. You feel his bulge on your stomach, only making you wet. But you know  you shouldn't do anything. You're only making out with him right?


He then slips his hand down your pants, then stops kissing you so he can look in your eyes.

"Is it okay if I do this, Y/N?" he said, looking very kind as he said it.

"Yes." You said, still not knowing how much he was or was not going to do.

You felt his warm hand reach past down your pants and had now been hovering over your wetness. He inserted one finger in slowly, curling it toward him, as you moan quietly. He continues to speed up his movements and then adds another finger. This makes your moan louder but he covers your mouth with his strong hand.

You remember you're standing on your two feet as you feel a little weak, hoping he picks you up.

He then pulls out his fingers slowly, making sure none of your juices dripped off his fingers. He licked his fingers he had just had inside of you and then kissed your forehead.

"We should get the coffee now, Y/N." he said nicely.
You and Hotchner then walk out of the bathroom, adjusting yourselves to make it look like you did not just get fingered in the bathroom.

He then whispered in your ear: "Get whatever you want, my treat."

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