The Big Question

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"What...oh my god...of course I'll marry you, Jethro." You say.

"Oh baby. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you." Jethro said, taking the ring out of the box, and putting it on your finger.

He pulls out of you, and rolls over to your right side.

You look at him, and roll over on your stomach.

"I love you Jethro. I love how you treat me, and how you fuck me of course. I wanted to marry you since our first date." You say.

"Remember I told you I didn't do that often? I knew you were the one that night." Gibbs said.

"You never showed me your boat, Jethro." You said.

"Tomorrow, babe." Gibbs says, and kisses you on your forehead.

You roll over, and he cuddles your from behind. You close your eyes, and you feel peace.

You're happy with Gibbs, and you've seen him smile more in these past few months then his team has seen him in years.

Jethro is your soulmate. And you love him.
You wake up next to Jethro, and his hair is messy.

You roll over and fix it for him, and he wakes up.

"Good morning my love, my fiancé." Gibbs said.

"Good morning, Jethro. Can you make some breakfast for us?" You say.

"I can do anything you want me to." Gibbs said, smiling.

You both are still under the covers, so Jethro gets on top of you, and lifts you up a bit to take off your shirt.

You're left in your bra, and he begins to kiss your breasts.

He looks into your eyes again, and lowers his warm hand down, and inserts his two fingers into you again.

He curls his fingers toward him, and pushes them deeper into you simultaneously.

While doing this, Gibbs uses his thumb to trace your clit, which makes you moan.

He lowers your bra cups and starts to suck on your nipples. He looks at you again, and says, "anything you really want me to do?"

"Spit in my mouth, daddy." You say. You've tried out all your fantasies with Gibbs: using handcuffs, being tied up, calling him daddy; but you've always seen men spit in their girls mouth, and you always thought it was hot.

"You want spit in your mouth?" Jethro said, confused.

"Yeah...I always thought it was hot but like...I've never had someone do I don't even know if I'll like it." You say, wondering if it was too weird for Gibbs.

"Never heard that one before, but I'll do it." He said.

You nod and he comes back up so your lips meet, and he begins to kiss you.

His tongue explores your mouth, by basically shoving it as far as it could go.

Gibbs released your lips, and pushed his fingers deep into you, so you would get more pleasure, and once your mouth opens, he spits in it.

You felt a large, warm, glob on spit at the back of your throat once it landed there. But it was not gross.

It was hot. It was sexy.

He looked at you, waiting for you to say if you liked it or not.

"Fuck...that was hot..." you said, swallowing it.

"Wow, alright." Jethro said, coming back down to kiss you some more.

"Let me go make that breakfast." He said getting up, and running down the stairs.

You sit up, feeling a little tightness in your stomach. You're hungry, but you remember something.

You felt this way, when you were with your last boyfriend.

You ran to your phone, and went to your notes app.

You typed in for an emergent note: "Buy a pregnancy test."

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