Calling Out Sick

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You wake up in your bed the next morning after your night with Gibbs. You feel sore, all over, including a sore throat.

You look at yourself in the mirror, and you see a red hand print on your neck. You can't go into work like this. Hotch will be jealous. And it looks unprofessional.

You look down at your wrists. They're red and bruised, all around.

You definitely cannot go into work like this. It looks like you were tortured!

You call Hotch, telling him how sick you are, and how you can't come into work.

"I can stop by if you'd like, give you some medicine, but not for your sickness." Hotch said, in a low but excited tone.

"No, Hotch, I think it's the flu. I'll be okay in a couple days. Thanks though." You say.

"All right. I'll miss you." Hotch says and hangs up immediately.

Calling out of work for having sex bruises but lying and saying it was the flu? You never thought you'd ever have to do that.

You hear a knock at the door, and you see through the peep hole that it's Gibbs. Daddy. Jethro. Whatever.

You open the door and he immediately begins to make out with you.

He backs you up into the wall near the door, and shuts the door with his foot.

While your lips are locked, he continues to back you up until he falls on top of you onto your couch.

He's in his work attire, dress pants, blazer, and a red shirt underneath. He's so sexy.

He finally releases your lips.

"Wow Y/N, I really did a number on your neck. I didn't realize I went that hard." Gibbs said, letting out a little laugh afterwards.

"Yeah, but it's alright, I liked it. Plus I called out of work so-" You get cut off by his warm soft lips.

He keeps his lips pressed on yours, while his tongue explores all around your mouth, and his big rugged hand unbuttons his belt.

"If you're not going to work, I guess we have time for some fun." Gibbs said.

He gets up from between your legs, sits on the couch, and puts you on his lap.

You feel his hardness, making you wet.

You hold onto his face with both of your hands, and grind against his bulge.

He moans, while letting his head rest back.

"Get on your knees." Gibbs said.

You slither down to his cock, by kissing his neck and leaving a hickey near his right ear.

You finally make it down there, and you move away his pants, to find his black boxers hiding the amazing cock that had filled you last night.

You pull his boxers down and his member stands straight up.

You look up and Gibbs had put his head back again, ready to be pleased by your mouth.

You swirl your tongue around his tip lightly, and then you start to take most of him in.

Gibbs is moaning and enjoying every second of it.

You feel his hot hand in your hair, as he begins push your head back and forth, speeding up your pace.

"I'm gonna cum. You need to swallow for daddy." Gibbs said.

You nod while you continue to suck, and you feel his juices hit the back of your throat, as you swallow all of it. You then take his cock out of your mouth, even though it is still very hard.

"Good girl." Gibbs said, out of breath.

As soon as you get off your knees, you stand right up, and undress yourself completely, letting Jethro see all of you.

"God, Y/N, your beautiful." Jethro said, so happily, while quickly taking off his shirt and blazer.

You smile, in a sexy way, and hover over his lap.

His cock is standing straight up, still wet.

You lower yourself onto his cock slowly, as he moans loud.

"Babe your so wet." Jethro said .

You continue to move up and down on his cock, while he grabs your waist, moving you faster.

You put your hand on his chest, while the other one was holding onto his shoulder.

"Daddy, I'm gonna cum!" You yell, ready to release your juices onto him.

"No! Not yet!" Jethro yells while moaning.

In one swift motion, he removes you from his cock, stands up and puts you in the doggy position, and inserts himself.

You loved the way his hands felt on your naked body, and how he felt inside of you.

"Oh daddy! Fuck me harder!" You say, wanting all of him inside of you.

"I was planning to." Jethro said seriously.

He grabbed your waist by digging his fingernails into your sides and pounds you so hard you could not close your mouth. He gets all of himself inside of you by now: just what you wanted.

You hear Jethro is grunting a lot, and you can't hold your juices in for much longer.

"Cum for daddy, now!" Jethro yelled, while grunting.

You feel yourself tighten around his cock, while he cums at the same time as you.


He pulls out of you, and bring your head to his lips, and kisses you on the forehead.

"I gotta go to work. But I'll be back later on tonight." He said, as he got dressed, and headed for the door.

He notices the hickey you left on his neck in the mirror near the door, and he turns to look at you.

I'm gonna punish you for this." Jethro says, as he points to the hickey. "Tony and Ziva are gonna bombard me with questions. You better be ready later tonight."

"Well you saw what you did to my neck and my wrists. That's payback." You say, with a smirk.

Jethro smiles and looks down and waved goodbye to you.

You eventually caught enough of your breath to wave and say good bye too.

You dress yourself, and go over to lock the door.

You then look out the window next to the front door, and see Hotch and Gibbs yelling at each other.

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