Valentine's Day

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"Happy Valentine's day, Y/N." Gibbs says to you, as you roll over next to him in bed.

"Happy valenti-" You say, but you get cut off by Gibbs' lips.

"Mhm...Jethro...fuck...I want you so bad..." You say.

Gibbs knows what you need, and he rolls on top of you.

He slides his hand down, putting it on your waist.

He then slips his hand down into your pants and inserts his middle and ring fingers inside of you.

"Ugh...fuck know how to make me cum fast." You say, enjoying your valentines gift.

Gibbs phone starts to ring, and he grabs it with his other hand.

"'s Gibbs. Yeah. Yeah, I'm on my way." He says.

"Jethro...?" You say.

"I gotta go, Y/N, I'll make up for this later okay?" Jethro said, quickly getting out of bed and looking at you and licking his two fingers.

He starts getting dressed, and smiles at you, and leaves the bedroom.
You've been watching TV all day, and you look at the time, and it's 6:03 PM.

Jethro should be home by now.

As soon as you think that, you hear the door unlocking and you turn off the TV.

You look at him as soon as he walks in, and he throws off his coat and keys to the side, and runs over to you and picks you up.

"God, I love you." Jethro said.

You held onto his neck, with your legs wrapped around his body, feeling his erection on your center.

He takes you to his bedroom, and puts you down in front of him.

"Get undressed." He demanded.

You undressed yourself as fast as you could and so did he.

You both eyed each other, as if you were two animals who haven't eaten in weeks.

Gibbs picks you up again, and lays you onto his bed, and spreads your legs open, so your wet pussy is exposed. He holds his cock in his hand, and moves up to you, sliding himself inside of you.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my love." Gibbs said, as he let out a moan.

He smiles, and you smile right back, maintaining eye contact.

He puts your hands over your head, while staring into his cold blue eyes.

"Tell me you're mine. Tell me you want my big cock." Gibbs demanded.

"Yes daddy...I'm yours." You say.

You sit up a bit so your lips are near his right ear.

You whisper, "I want you to fuck me so hard. Harder than you ever have."

He immediately thrusts deep into you. You both let out a moan.

He had gotten so deep with the second stroke, you could feel his tip.

"Yes daddy! Fuck me!" You yell, moving your hips along with his strokes.

You look down to look his big cock fucking you, and he lifts up a little so you can see it going in and out of you.

He's hitting your g-spot with every stroke, maximizing your pleasure.

You throw your head back to where it was before, and you start moaning again, and almost go numb in your wrists.

Gibbs is still thrusting so hard and fast, so you close your eyes, after seeing him reach over to his dresser.

You close your eyes, and with your free hand, you push his head closer to you, so he can get deeper.

"Okay. Cum now." He says.

You feel your walls tighten around his cock and your legs shaking, as you release onto him, and you open your eyes, and he's holding a box up to your eyes with a ring in it.

He cums, and manages to moan, "Uhhh..........mhm Y/N...., will you marry me?"

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