A Visit to Gibbs' House

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You arrive at Gibbs' house. It's low lit, exactly what you pictured it would look like.

You see him open the door from your car, and signal you inside.

Seeing his fingers doing the "come here" action reminded you of what Hotch did to you in the Starbucks bathroom.

You take a deep breath, and open your car door and begin to walk up to Gibbs' house.

You finally get to him and he gives you a warm, tight hug.

He smells like axe cologne and wood. Sexy.

He took your hand lightly and brought you his dinner table, where he had two white plates set up across from each other, with two wine glasses.

Two candles were lit on the table, in a romantic way.

"You never said this was a date, Agent Gibbs." You say nervously, hoping it doesn't seem like you don't want it to be.

"It's dinner, Y/N. And call me Jethro."

Jethro. You loved that name. It was so unique, just like him.

You finally sit down and have a sip of wine, while Jethro brings out corn, mashed potatoes, and grilled chicken.

He puts the food on your plate, while moving your hair to the side and kissing your neck lightly.

You feel butterflies in your stomach, and think of Hotch again, and how he kissed your forehead.

But you're in Jethro's house. You remember that you can call him Jethro, but you can't call Hotch by his first name.

You continue to eat your meal, trying to push the thoughts of Hotch out of your mind.

"Was the food good?" Jethro asked, while wiping his mouth with his napkin.

"Yes, it was amazing. You're a good cook." You say, kind of shyly.

Jethro stands up, picking up all the empty plates and utensils and walks to the kitchen to clean them.

You take another sip of wine, and you stare at Jethro. He's wearing a red NIS sweatshirt, with dark blue jeans on, wearing Timberlands.

He was comfy, and you were dressed in business casual.

You stand up, not ready to know what to do next.

Jethro came up to you and stared into your eyes. He pushed some of your hair out of the way, and put it over your ear.

He then lightly gripped your face, and stroked your jawline. He then slowly began to kiss you.

His tongue filled your mouth quickly, as you continued to stand in the middle of his kitchen.

He then slowly released your lips, while biting your bottom lip, and tugging it a bit.

"Would you like to move to my bedroom?" Jethro asked so politely, with a cute smile.

"Yes, Jethro." You say confidently.

He takes your hand again ever so kindly, and leads you to his room. He then puts you slowly onto the bed. He takes off your shoes, and then his.

You look into Jethro's eyes, as he's between your legs.

You feel his bulge, right where you need it, and it makes you wet just feeling it there, and looking into his eyes.

He then begins to make out with you once again, but this time its more intense.

He lifts you up a bit, and takes off your shirt and your pants.

He puts you back down to make out again for a little longer, and then he stops.

He stares into your eyes, and takes off his sweatshirt, revealing his fit but dad-like body. He kisses your neck again, and kisses your breasts.

You lock lips again, while he reaches to your back, and unclips your bra. He takes it off of you, while still kissing you passionately.

He then arches up a bit, and removes your panties. He throws them to side.

"Wow you're soaking wet, Y/N." He said, looking at your wetness.

All you can do is moan. But that's okay. You're not even thinking about Hotch anymore. You just want Jethro inside of you, and now.

He then takes of his pants and boxers, while removing a pair of handcuffs from his pocket, and exposing his hardness.

"Are you sure you ready?" Jethro said, with a serious look on his face.

"Yes Jethro. I'm ready." You say.

"Call me Gibbs at work, Jethro when we're by ourselves and daddy when we're in the bedroom. Got it?"

You thought you were gonna cum right there.

"Yes, daddy." You say, ready to feel all of him inside of you.

He gets back on top of you, putting his tip right on your center, but does not insert himself. You start to throb down there, and you want to just tell him to fuck you already. He balances it there, and now held your hands down, over you head, handcuffing your hands to the headboard.

He stared into your eyes, as he thrusted, hard into you. You felt all of him at once. His whole cock had been in you with the first stroke.

Your eyes open as wide as they can, along with your mouth.

Before he thrusted again, he grabbed your face and pushed his thumb into your mouth.
"Suck." He said.

You began to suck his thumb as he pushed it deeper into your throat, while choking you lightly with his free hand. He started thrusting in and out, squeezing your neck harder and harder.

"Oh...daddy...I'm gonna cum!" You scream, while moaning and out of breath.

"You cum when I tell you to." Jethro said angrily.

That turns you on even more, while your still gasping for air, now feeling pain in your wrists throat and neck.

But it's a good pain.

"Alright baby, now you can cum for daddy." He said, still staring right into you with his cold blue eyes.

You feel your walls tighten around his cock, as you cum. He still continues to thrust, but then you feel him fill you up with his own juices. He keeps himself in you for a couple more seconds, and kisses your cheek.

"Good girl." Jethro said, out of breath.

He finally pulls out of you, and hands you your clothes.

"You know Y/N, I don't sleep with every girl I go on a date with."

"Oh okay..." You say, while getting dressed again. You don't really know what to say to that.

"You're...special." He says, turning to look into your eyes.

You smile, still left speechless.

You then kiss him in the cheek, and head out of his house. You walk to your car and get right in.

You sit in your seat for a minute.
He was so professional at the crime scene, so sweet and genuine during dinner, but was rough and kinky when it came to the bedroom.

You drove home, still in shock of what had just happened.

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