The Future

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It's been two weeks since you took at least 5 pregnancy tests, all spaced out.

All negatives.

You wonder while your looking at the last one in your hand if you should even tell Jethro you thought you were pregnant.

You haven't talked about having kids yet, even though there has been lots of sex. Not
counting the past two weeks.

You avoided having sex with Gibbs because you were unsure if you were pregnant, and he's been distant.

You are engaged to him, but it seems like he has been so sad lately.

"I have to tell him. And I have to fuck him to remind him how much we love each other." You whisper to yourself in the bathroom.

You put the pregnancy stick in your box of tampons, and walk out of the bathroom, and into Gibbs' room.

He's laying down, reading a book, like he has been for the sexless weeks.

"Hey Jethro." You say, going to lay next to him.

"Hey." He says, still reading his book.

You take his book from his hands, and he looks at you, annoyed.

"I've been avoiding having sex with you because I thought I was pregnant. I was going to tell you if I was, but I took 5 tests, and they all say I'm not pregnant. I hope you're not mad." You say, so quickly that you ramble.

"Y/N...I'm not mad. I honestly just thought you were on your period!" Jethro said, laughing.

You smile at him and lean into him.

"Do you want to have kids?" Jethro finally asked.

"Yes. Especially with you." You say, leaning closer to him.

"All you had to was ask. I want kids too, and I'll get your pregnant right now if you want!" Jethro said.

"Fuck...yes Jethro." You said, as he rolled on top of you.

"Okay then. Get naked." He demanded.

You both got out of bed and undressed, watching each other at the same time.

Gibbs sat on the bed, with back against the headboard, and his legs out.

"Come here." He said, motioning you over to him with his fingers.

"You're gonna suck my cock, baby. And I need you to arch your back while you do it." He demanded, once again.

You nod, and crawl up to his hard cock. You jerk him off a few times, and you start to circle your tongue around his tip.

"Fuck..." Jethro moaned.

You felt Gibbs' hand grab onto your head to help guide you, and his other hand slid slowly down your back.

He got to your ass, and you felt him massaging your pussy from behind.

You start to suck faster, now getting turned on by his fingers.

He starts to finger you deep, and you moan, making him push your head further down on him.

You can feel his warm fingers inside of you, going faster and faster, while he's moaning.

"Fuck...Uh.." Gibbs said as he came in your mouth.

"Good girl, you didn't cum yet. Keep it up until I say it's okay. It'll be awhile." He said.

"Don't worry Daddy, I will." You say.

"Okay. Get on your back now." He said.

You do as he says, and he kneels in front of you, on his knees.

He inserts his cock into you, while placing one hand on your neck, and the other on the left side of your waist.

"I love you, Y/N. But I have to go rough if you wanna get pregnant." Gibbs said.

"Were all the other times not rough enough?" You say, giggling.

"Not as rough as this time I promise you." He said, thrusting again.

He continues to thrust hard into you, while you watch his thick cock go almost completely out of
you, and right back in.

"Don't cum yet baby." He said.

"I'm close, Daddy...Fuck!" You yell.

He grabs ahold of your breast and grips them in both hands, and uses them to support himself into you.

He then let's go of your breasts, and slides himself out of you.

"Don't cum yet. I'm not done." He said.

"But...what..." You can barley say anything, your sweating, still holding everything you have in you.

He brings his dick up to your mouth and jerks it off a couple times.

"Daddy...what...why..." You manage to say.

"You wanna get pregnant right? The second time always makes me cum more." He says, smiling.

"Swallow all this." He said, as you put your lips to his tip, and swallowed all of his cum.

"Good girl." He said, moving back to his original position.

You feel his cock go right back into you, as he continues to fuck you harder and harder.

He brings himself down, so his head is on your right side of your head, and he kisses your neck.

He whispers in your ear as he continues to go in and out; "Cum for daddy."

"Uh...ugh...fuck...daddy!" You yell.

Your legs shake so much, you can't control it. This might have been the best sex you've ever had.

He cums as soon as you do, and he kisses you on the lips.

"Something tells me we're gonna be having a lot of kids." You say to him, as you kiss him back.


I hope you all liked this fanfic! Let me know if you want more Gibbs or Hotch fanfics! <3

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