Here Comes NCIS

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"Alright everyone, remember that serial killer that likes to cut fingernails off his victims? He did it again. To a petty officer. Let's go, wheels up in 30." Hotchner said to the team.

As you and the team arrive on the scene, you glance at Hotchner, only to see he's looking down while walking, almost like he was avoiding you.
J.J. walks up to you and says: "Great. Now we gotta deal with NCIS, and their stubborn boss." You didn't know what NCIS really was or why everyone hated them. Then, Reid came prancing over, rambling about what NCIS does. "NCIS is the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which deals the criminal investigation of crimes that involves naval officers or marines. The boss, Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, has been married 4 times, is a virgo, and wants everything done his way. If you ask me he's like the Hotch of NCIS. But the most interesting thing is that..."

You were listening to Reid about Gibbs and then you saw him: about average height, big hands, blue eyes, and that sexy marine haircut. Wow. You had butterflies.

You then remembered how you hooked up with Hotch yesterday, and that it felt amazing. But Gibbs. He made you nervous just looking at him.

"Are you Agent Y/N?" Gibbs yelled at you.

"Yeah...yeah that's me." You said. nervously.

"Chill, you aren't in trouble it's a crime scene. Just thought you'd wanna get a good look at the body or whatever the BAU does." Gibbs said, nicely but also in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah...I guess I can..." You say while laughing a bit nervously.

The way Gibbs walked and how his hair bounced on his head made you think about how sexy he was. His hands looked rough, and looked as if he'd recently been doing some woodwork.

Gibbs noticed you looking at his hands while standing next to him, near the dead petty officer.

"Yeah, my hands are a bit dirty." He says showing each side of them.

"I've been working on a boat in my basement for a couple weeks." He says while looking into your eyes.

"Hey Gibbs, I see you've met Y/N. She's a good agent." Hotch complimented you.

You felt nervous standing between these two sexy men, while they argued about who had jurisdiction of the case.

Gibbs finally won the argument, resulting in Hotch getting angry. Both of them turned you on so much.

"Alright everyone let's get out of here!" Prentiss yelled. "NCIS has this one, hopefully they'll keep us in the loop."

As you started to walk away, Gibbs grabbed your hand hard.

He handed you a little piece of paper with an address written on it.

"Come by tonight. Anytime. I'll show you the boat i'm making." he said, kindly.

You looked up at him, surprised, but then you nodded and walked away.

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