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You get on top of Gibbs, as he lays on his back.

He put his hands on your waist and looks up at you and smiles.

"Alright Y/N, whaddya gonna to me?" Gibbs said, while laughing.

"You'll see." You whisper in his ear.

You take off his shirt, and kiss his warm chest.

You move down a bit so your sitting on his thighs, and begin to unbuckle his belt. You toss it on the floor and your slide back on top of his bulge.

You kiss him lightly on the lips, while tracing down his neck and down his chest with your tongue.

You move down to sit on his thighs again, and you pull his pants and boxers further down, exposing his hard cock.

You look at him, and smile, and swirl your tongue around his tip.

He moans with joy, and begins to move your head up and down.

He starts to moves it faster, and he cum in your mouth.

You remove your mouth from his cock, and you slide up and sit on his stomach.

You smile, and take his hands off your waist and tie them up over his head, and through a one of the poles in his headboard.

You then stand up over him, and undress slowly.

You see him looking at you and smiling, but he also looks like he's impatient, waiting for you to mount him already.

You're finally standing over him, naked, and you lower yourself down to him.

You guide his cock into you, and you slowly go further down.

"Oh...babe..." Gibbs says, hardly being able to say anything more.

You started to bounce up and down faster, while keeping your hands on his chest.

You close your eyes, as you continue to move up and down on his large cock.

All of a sudden you feel hands grab your waist.

You open your eyes and you see Gibbs was free of the rope.

"How'd you...get out of that?" You say, as you stop for a moment to catch your breath.

"I'm a marine, babe." Gibbs says, as he you rolls over so he's on top of you now.

He holds your hands over your head with his hands and begins to insert himself deeper.

He kisses your neck, and then kisses your breasts.

"Oh...daddy..." You say, as your almost ready to release your juices.

Gibbs then pulls out of you, and moves up and puts his cock in between your breast.

"Open your mouth." He says, as he looks as he is also about ready to finish.

You open your mouth, and he shoves his cock inside. He begins moving in and out of your mouth: his cock sliding in between your breasts, and moving in and out of your mouth.

He then pulls his cock out your mouth and moves back down to where he was, where he inserts all of himself at once, which you have been getting used to.

"Cum for daddy, babe." Gibbs says as he grunts.

"Uh....oh...ooh daddy!" You yell as he cums at the same time as you.

He gets off you and lays next you. He then turns to look at you, moving your face with his hand.

He takes a deep breath, while looking into your eyes.

" I have 3 words for you." He said, smiling.

"Oh yeah? What are they?" You ask, kind of laughing, not knowing what he would say next.

"I love you, Y/N." He said.

Jethro loves you. And you're sure you love him too.

"I love you too, Jethro." You said, meaning every word.

He kissed you again, and rolled over to turn off the light.

"Goodnight Y/N." Gibbs said, and he hugged you from behind while laying down.

You feel safe in his arms, in his bed, and in his house.

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