Chapter 3

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   Anyway let's talk more about my parents. My father is a doctor, average height and very handsome. He is also the quiet type. My mum,the controller of the family tall, beautiful and a business woman. She is the one with the attitude,love of mischief and sharp tongue(my sister is totally like her).
      You see everyone keeps on asking whose character I took up and I would say my mum and then there is a debate between my mum and dad which just goes on for hours and hours.
      When I grow up I want to be a doctor. I have always loved the profession. I don't really know why because I have always loved drawing. It's the best. Maybe the only reason why I wanted to be a doctor was because of my dad.
     My mum is  the best person in my life. She likes to joke but she can also very serious. She is just like me if I were to say. The reason why I love my mum so much is because she has always been there for us and always  understood us.
     My mum is also very stubborn she doesn't listen to anyone at all(just like me) and she is always making mistakes. My mum is a very energetic woman. Anytime she is around she likes to tell us about her childhood adventures and all the funny songs they sang. She also used to tell us about her and my dad relationship before they got married and how he had been the one at her beck and call after their marriage(he still does that now).
    Spending time with my dad is very different than that of my mum. My dad is the quiet type so he likes to talk to us about life and its ups and down. He listens and understand our every feeling(he was the one who taught me about puberty). He is the type of dad who doesn't criticize you but helps you to understand your problems yourself.
     My mum and dad are very different people and I think that that is the reason why their love has still not faded till today. They both are so loving and loyal towards  each other. It's  even romantic when they fight(I want to have a relationship like that one but who am I kidding know one can like a guy like me)
       Having two different parents is quite helpful. You can always go to any of them you felt was right to talk to(but I advise you my dad is quite better than my mom).
      I really love my parents(even when it seems they support my other siblings more than they do me).

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