Chapter 5

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  You might be wondering what happened to Chisom after I finally got friends. Well we were still friends even though we didn't talk that much anymore.
    You see the thing is that she thought something really was going on even though nothing happened at all. When she figured this out she became quite rude and arrogant. I haven't seen someone hate another person so much in my whole life. We got into quarrels quite often and I soon moved away from her seat(had moved to her seat earlier) to avoid been stabbed one day(even though I know that is so stupid). Few days after I moved away from her seat and stopped talking to her completely she apologized and became friends again but I never moved back to my former seat(still scared of being stabbed).
       Then there was the supposed 'cool group'.
       The 'cool group' wasn't so cool after all. They liked getting into mischiefs. In fact most of the teachers didn't even like them. They even got called to the principal office several times. They were just older than every other person in the class and liked to throw themselves around. They were just bullies and didn't let anyone do what they did themselves. I didn't stop trying to please them(I'm afraid of Chisom;who is harmless so I was definitely afraid of them).
      Nobody in the class dared stand up against them but there was one person.
     Stephanie was the boldest and most beautiful girl in the class(she came to my school a week after me). I really liked her because she wasn't arrogant like the supposed 'cool group'. She was also pleasant and kind to everyone but she had a very sharp tongue(but I won't say say sharper than my sis).
     Stephanie really put the 'cool group' in their place. They fought everyday so it was something to look forward to. The 'cool group' didn't dare touch because she had threatened to report to the principal. I don't know why no one else followed  in her footsteps.
     Anyway,for the rest our time in the class Stephanie and the 'cool group' kept on beefing each other and kept on entertaining the rest of the class.

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