Their Nickname For You

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Darlin': Seriously this is what he calls everyone but there something about the way he says it to you that's special. 

Sweetheart: This one is unique to you and it makes your heart melt every time you hear it. 

Dear: Chubs isn't huge into nicknames but he calls you this sometimes, mostly jokingly, but it still makes you smile. 

Sunshine: Everyone thinks he calls you this because you're a bit of a pessimist and hates hot weather, it's kinda funny they all think he's making fun of you. The real reason he calls you this is because you have such a kind heart and you make him feel safe and warm, you are really just the light in his life (of course he'd never admit it, but you still know) 

Babe: He calls you babe sometimes when you're around the kids and other agents, this name is entirely for show. He only uses this when someone is flirting with you to remind them that you're taken, or to tease the kids. 

Princess: Come on we all know that Clancy loves power and showing you how powerful he is makes you feel secure and protected, or annoyed depending on the context. 

Flower: You're short compared to him and so he thinks you're small and beautiful as a flower. Anytime he calls you this it makes you blush and smile at him. Cate thinks it's adorable.

Love: This one is pretty obvious it's because Ruby loves you more than anything in the whole world. She thought she would have to be alone forever because she's an Orange but you proved her wrong and she is thankful for that every day.  

Hot Stuff: Because Vida doesn't want to sound sentimental, she also wants you to know it's true and that she thinks you are beautiful no matter what. Not to mention your powers. 

Snowflake: The first time you ever got out of the lab it was snowing and it was the most beautiful moment in your life. To you the snow marks freedom happiness and change, it's Nico's small way of showing you how much you really mean to him because he's not great with words. 

Starlight: When Gabe was little he used to wish on the stars every night and he always wished that he wouldn't be alone anymore, you made his wish come true. (He only told you this because he was on pain meds and hadn't slept in three days.)

Ash: After you got to know each other he admitted to you that he had called you Ash because the first time he saw you there was ash smeared across your cheeks and you were the only one not crying and it made him think of how even when everything burned down ash was left and you would be left, even after everything. 

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