How you comfort each other

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You and Liam both have bad memories from Caledonia and when either of you has nightmares or flashbacks the other one is there for comfort. When you want to talk Liam is a good listener and he never pushes you if you're not ready. You also love holding hands. 

You've been mistrusting of touch ever since you were mistreated by the guards at Caledonia and Chubs is always respectful of your boundaries, he is very intuitive and can usually tell when you need a hug and when you need space. 

When Chubs is thinking about the escape from Caledonia you are always there to stop his depressing train of thought with a smile and a puzzle or board game you know you are going to lose. 

You both have insomnia and when you can't sleep Cole holds you quietly or makes up outrageous stories to try and get you to laugh, it's like a sixth sense, if you're not sleeping Cole won't be either. You also have a habit of forgetting to eat so Cole is sure to make you eat at least three meals a day. 

When Cole is angry you let him go which is exactly what he needs and he loves you for it when he comes back you clean his knuckles and kiss his cheek. When he's upset, sad, or worried you run your hands through his short buzzed hair and trace patterns on his bare chest. 

You had a pretty easy life compared to a lot of people your parents worked closely with President Gray and you were never in a camp or with the League, your parents hid you for years and when that stopped working they got the contact of an old family friend and dropped you with Clancy. The one thing you have always struggled with is loneliness and Clancy excepts your clingy personality letting you stay with him all the time and making sure you know you will not ever be alone again. 

Clancy has really bad PTSD from the testing his father ran on him and you're always there to soothe him when he needs it. Especially when he has nightmares and you use your power to turn on the lights before he can have a full-blown panic attack. 

He always asks about your day which seems really simple but it means so much to you since it's a constant reminder that he cares. He is also huge on cuddling (obviously) and it means so much that he trusts you enough to be close to you after what he's been through. 

Jude is terrified of small spaces and the dark so you always hold him, it means so much to him that you can make him feel safe. 

She makes sure you know you are safe and uses her ability to calm you down when your stressed or afraid even though it scares her. 

She's always terrified that she's going to erase someone else's memory so you spend tons of your free time helping her improve her powers and making sure she knows that your power cancels hers out and there's no way she could accidentally make you forget her. 

Vida trains you in self-defense so she knows that you can kick ass even if she's not there to protect you, while simultaneously swearing you'll never need to use those skills. Behind closed doors Vida also lets you braid her hair even though she claims to hate it. 

You're both quiet and reserved, nearly everything you do is to comfort each other. Every moment is tainted by memories and while you're happy together it's hard to escape the past. 

You both have terrible nightmares, his about his father and yours about seeing him shot. You frequently wake up to the other screaming and thrashing which results in a lot of sleepless nights holding each other. Even when he's exhausted he always stays up with you. 

Some days the two of you are in awe of everything in the world around you but somedays everything seems so dark and it's just hard to do anything. It might not seem like much but even on the days when neither of you can bare to get out of bed, Lucas forces himself to make you food so you won't starve. 

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