What you do in the rain

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Day or night when the rain comes Liam pulls you away from whatever you're doing and gives you a raincoat, he loves the rain and he'll run outside and run around and jump in puddles. It's adorable and it makes him so happy! Then he'll smile at you and take out a portable radio to start playing music. He always pulls you close to him and slow dances with you in the rain while singing along to old songs.

You both love the rain and usually when it rains you find a dry place to curl up and read. Another pastime is taking a walk after the rain, it's nice to be alone together and to hold his hand.

He doesn't really mind the rain as long as there isn't any thunder. Usually when it rains you get some coffee and hot chocolate and curl up in his room to just listen to the rain. When there is thunder you can normally find him beating the punching bag bloody. Sometimes Jude comes to sleep with you guys during thunderstorms because he also hates the noise, of course when this happens Cole tries to keep his reactions to a minimum and Jude cuddles up between you guys. Luckily he knows better than to point out that Cole is shaking worse than he is.

If he's not busy working you will curl up on the couch with lots of blankets to watch Netflix. This usually involves popcorn, ice cream, and lots of kissing. Clancy also loves to cook you a nice dinner and since your not the best cook it's always interesting when he tries to teach you.

You both dream of going outside in the rain but you can't leave HQ, instead you do crafts. There aren't a lot of supplies around but Cate gets you watercolors, paints, crayons, or colored pencils when she has a chance and you love to get creative with anything else you can find lying around. At night you like to make up stories about what you would do if you were allowed outside.

You guys stay inside, for the most part, usually, any outside training or minor Ops get canceled and as the only two Oranges, you take advantage of the rare free time to just be together. 

Vida likes the rain a surprising amount and because she's happy you love it as well. Honestly, there aren't very many things that make her very happy but the rain is certainly one,  it's unnerving to see her smile so much. She'll grab food from HQ and sing karaoke and give you sweet kisses

Nico always liked the rain, when you were in Thurmond and then Leda Corp seeing the rain out the window was the only thing to show that time was passing at all.  It is one thing that always makes him hopeful, no matter how many hard days there are he always smiles when it rains. Usually, you sit by the window and just look out at how beautiful the world seems when there's a veil covering the darker parts. 

Gabe hates the rain, with a passion, like he will literally be a complete horror to be around when it rains. You know it's just bad memories and he tries but when it rains people have learned to just steer clear. It's different at night, for some reason once the sun goes down he'll curl up against you and hold you but he never talks. 

He likes the rain, it helps him cool down sometimes. He walks around without a shirt like 89% of the time because he's just always hot and it helps. Usually, if you have the privilege of going outside when it rains you'll just wander aimlessly and spend time together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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