What are you afraid of?

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You're terrified of water because you fell out of a raft and nearly drowned when you were a child. Sometimes you still have nightmares of the icy water filling your lungs and you jerk awake in Liam's arms. It's one of the only memories from before IAAN that can reduce you to a gasping sobbing mess. 

You're afraid of being touched by people you don't know, the guards in Caledonia were creeps and they never liked you, it's been hard for you to move past that but Chubs is always there for you

You're afraid of being abandoned, all the people in your life have left you emotionally stranded when you needed support, and even though they loved you, you always felt like you were on the outside looking in. Now that you have Cole you're improving but it's still scary sometimes. 

You're afraid of him, not because you think he'll hurt you but because you know how much he's hurting and you're worried about what he'll do to others or himself. 

You are terrified of something happening to him, when he goes on Ops you can't bare the thought that he might not come home. Sometimes you accidentally light stuff on fire and after one time you accidentally burned Cole you're terrified of it happening again with Jude. He is always really careful on OPs and he does everything he can to make you worry less. 

Even though Ruby is also an Orange you're still terrified you could hurt her with your powers. You're also really scared of chipmunks because when you were a kid you used to go camping with your family every summer and one time a chipmunk got in your tent with you and started running in circles around the perimeter and you couldn't get out. Ruby only learned about this one because you freaked out once when you saw one. 

You're constantly worried that Vida will get bored of you because you can't always keep up with her sarcasm and even though you know she loves you, you still worry.

You're still scared of a lot of things, anywhere you feel trapped, loud noises, crowded spaces, needles, etc. It's hard because you've been through so much that even when you try your best to avoid things that will trigger you it's always a challenge. Nico is great about it though and he understands better than anyone. 

You're really scared of snakes, you got bit when you were five and it seriously traumatized you even though it wasn't poisonous it was scary. You're also scared of blood, you weren't always but after everything that happened with Gabe and Zu you can't stop seeing Gabe's blood coating your arms. 

You're scared of yourself, no matter how hard you try to control your powers you always know there's going to be chances for you to slip up and it terrifies you what you're capable of. Lucas and Cole understand and they are both there for you as much as possible but that doesn't stop you from being afraid. 

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