The News (1)

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(A/n: I hope you guys like the first chapter. Btw I'm not the best writer so this won't be the best fanfiction you have seen. Oh ya one more thing. I don't support trump. Ok enjoy!)

Wrote: 9/24/20

"Y/N". My mom says, calmly while knocking on my door. "You can come in". As she comes into my room and sits on my bed, I see she's holding two pieces of paper. "You reading the second book?" My mom asks. "Yup", I reply. A few months ago I started to read the Harry Potter books. For the second time. "Well, you are either going to hate this or love this decision your dad and I made". She says. "What is it". I ask, of course. My mom stands up, puts the pieces of paper on my desk then sits back down on the edge of my bed. As I looked at the papers, I see the top paper had big lettering that says "White Eagle Boarding High School". (I know it's a dumb name but it's whatever.)I stare at the papers, in shock. "I'm going to BOARDING School!!" I say in excitement but also nervously.

(A/N: I know this is a short chapter but I need to get ready for school and I mean I guess it's kinda like a cliffhanger, right? Anyways I forgot to mention the boarding school in this story won't be as accurate as real boarding schools but I will try to make it as accurate as l can. Well, maybe I will. I will try to write a page every day.)

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