levochka !!!

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waking up early in the morning in kenma's bed wasn't a surprise to you. since you guys were best friends, you would have these sleepovers from time to time. you sleeping in his bed, and him sleeping in one of his bean bags.

lev slept on the floor, because first, he can't even sleep on the bed, he's too tall. and second, he lost in mario kart. that was the deal. whoever lost had to sleep on the floor...poor guy.

you woke up, kenma was up and playing already, and lev was still passed out on the floor.

"hey kenma, let's go to the cafe that opened up," you said, groggily.

the blond was still focused on his game and nodded, "yeah, sure whatever. let me finish this game though. wake up lev."

you groaned in irritation. waking up lev was a bad idea. he either kicks you with his long russian legs, or doesn't wake up at all.

"lev! wake up," you shook his body, earning yawns but he wasn't awake, "lev!"

after a few minutes you were starting to give up.


still no eyes fluttering.

you inhaled, "levochka!"

the tall male jolted awake at your loud voice but ultimately calmed down when he saw your face. he rolled his eyes and closed them, trying to fall back asleep. he pushed you off.

"get up! we're going to a cafe. leaving in an hour."


you huffed. it was a pain waking this boy up in any scenario. you stood up and gathered your things so you could get ready while lev was still on the floor like a dummy.

"the train ride is 40 minutes with many stops."

his tall self sat up on the floor, "you should've waken me up earlier!"

"i was trying to! idiot."

"did we have to walk to the train station?" the light gray head complained, his hands in his pockets trying to warm it up, "why couldn't we take a bus there?"

he wouldn't have complained but this morning was weirdly cold for some reason. the train station was about a 20 minute walk from kenma's house and there was no point in taking the bus. obviously, lev's immature self couldn't exactly comprehend that.

"you shouldn't be the one complaining," the setter said, his blond hair obscuring his vision, "look at those long legs."

you slapped your palm against your mouth, "i know! i bet you could cut the walking time to 10 minutes!"

"he surely can."

finally, after the long walk, the three of you went down the set of stairs leading to the platforms. each of you started scanning your suica one by one. a mere ¥200 getting taken out from your wallet. kenma already went ahead, but lev and you started conversing.

"also, tsukishima hasn't been answering to my texts," you told the male, "i mean, he said he missed me but he didn't answer until like two hours after i first texted him."

the taller male frowned a little bit and furrowed his eyebrows, "when did you text him"

"around one."

"no wonder."


"he was probably sleeping and woke up to your notifications," lev merely shrugged.

kenma spoke up. "are you guys getting in the train or what?"

the shorter male was already in the train and holding one of the handles. he looked at the two of you, definitely not amused at how long you two were taking to get in the damn train.

"oh! y/n go in first, i don't want to lose your short self," lev joked as he put a hand on your back to guide you into the train.

you laughed but held the two sides of the train door frame, refraining lev from getting in.

"y/n can you move, please?"

"huh?" you acted clueless.

"y/n, move and let me in."

"no," you laughed.

"y/n, what the hell?" lev said with panic laced in his voice. however, you didn't move and kept giggling, "y/n! oh my gosh, move! the train's going to close!"

you stayed still, waiting for the train doors to NEARLY close. the train conductor was stating for all the passengers to get in. you didn't budge though. your arm was as strong as steel to prevent from lev getting in the cart.

"y/n, oh my gosh. MOVE!"

your hands were still on the side, lev was trying to push your back, but it didn't work. "nope!"


kenma was there, no emotion. he was probably disappointed in both of you, "y/n, let him in."

"LET ME IN," the doors nearly closed when you finally moved and let him in. lev was panting and ran his hand through his hair while laughing, "i thought you were going to leave me there for a second."

"if i didn't tell her, she probably would've," the setter told him, eyes staring out the window, "i'm very disappointed, but not surprised."

❤️ liked by akaashik and 976 others

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❤️ liked by akaashik and 976 others

y/n.l/n COFFEEE!! with @levvvhaiba & @kenma_kozume

levvvhaiba COFFEE!

levvvhaiba you nearly left me out of the train☹️
yakumorisuke you probably deserved it.
yamataketora HE PROBABLY DID LOL

tetsurokuroo y'all hung out without me 😀??
kenma_kozume deal with it.
tetsurokuroo 🙃🤛🏽

koubokuto Y/NN-KUN, you look so cute! my disciple 💖💘💕💝!!

haibaalisa y/n! so pretty! Σ੧(❛□❛✿)
y/n.l/n fan girling— thank u alisa-san 😭


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*attachment: instagram.com/y/n.l/n*
do i know "lev haiba" ?

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