demon senpai !!

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the training camp has come to an end. you said your goodbyes to everyone there: johzenji, dateko, wakunan and karasuno. of course, being the salty hoe he is, tsukishima didn't say bye to you. he was just there, standing in the corner, basically waiting for you to leave.

kageyama was saying bye to you, obviously noticing your frustration at your boyfriend, "i would make a mean comment, but he'll come around. maybe he just doesn't want to say goodbye right now?"

sighing out of exasperation and disappointment, "if he wanted to say goodbye, he would." you got your backpack and went on the bus, waving to kageyama while he waved back.

"text me when you get home," kageyama stated, making you smile.

"will do!"

you walked up the bus and looked back. tsukishima wasn't even there anymore to bid his goodbyes to the team. you scoffed and kept on walking all the way to the back of the bus so you could have some sort of privacy.

you sat down on one of the seats. lev immediately taking the seat next to you, "you look tired. what's up?" the boy asked.

you looked at your best friend and gave him a tired grin, "i'm fine. just... annoyed. tsukishima didn't say goodbye." you mumbled, pulling out a hoodie that was in your bag and putting it on.

"really?" lev asked, earning a nod from you. "that boy..." he stood up and was looking around the bus, "ah! yaku-san! y/n's boyfriend didn't say bye to her!" he shouted, gaining everyone's attention.

you covered his mouth with your right hand, sitting him down, "lev! shut up."

the short libero kneeled on his seat. "what?! he didn't? hey you!" he yelled at the driver, respectfully, "don't drive yet! i forgot something."

yaku started making his way out of the bus, you and lev looked at each other before running out quickly as well, tumbling a few times.

the short boy was on a roll. he was walking so fast. you and lev couldn't keep up with his walking speed so you had to sprint after him. it was a sight to see.

he was weaving his way through the volleyball players before reaching the players of karasuno.

sugawara was the first to notice him, "yaku-san! didn't your bus leave?"

"yeah but, where's your tall middle blocker—!"

lev reached them before you, "yaku-san! let's go!" he laughed playfully, covering yaku's mouth before he could continue his sentence, "come on! nekomata-sensei is waiting. let's go~"

you looked at the players awkwardly. tsukishima looked at you with no reaction. you turned to the libero and glared at him and looked at sugawara. "sorry about that sugawara-senpai, he hasn't had his daily milk yet, that's why he's having a tantrum!"

the setter just widened his eyes, "oh... that's fine?" he scratched the back of his neck.

"mhm! let's go." you eyed lev and yaku, who was rolling his eyes. "what do you think you're doing?" you asked the shorter male.

"i was simply going to talk to him."

coach nekomata showed his regular eye smile, "yaku, you shouldn't be leaving the bus so suddenly. we might've left you."

the libero put on an expressive face of annoyance and walked to his seat who was next to kai.

you and lev lazily walked to your seats. you taking the window and lev taking the aisle. the bus started moving, it was oddly quiet. everyone was sleeping except for a familiar noise of a game which was in front of you.

you stood up from your seat and saw kenma playing on his switch non stop, the volume was really high as well. "kenma~ can you turn that down? i want to sleep~"

"put on earplugs."

your eyebrows furrowed to his remark and sat down slowly on your seat. "whatever." you searched through your backpack and saw a hoodie from tsukishima that you brought from the beginning of the trip. you hesitated to put it on, but while you were about to put it on, another hoodie flew from in front of you.

"take mine instead," kenma simply stated, throwing a game themed hoodie from in front, "i can see you through the bus mirror."

you smiled at his effort. "thanks~ ".

hour two of the ride and lev woke up. he was currently watching some netflix show, caught in it. you were reading a book on your phone when you suddenly felt his long fingers poke you on your cheek.

"any more tea with tsukishima?" the tall boy asked, making you turn off your phone.

"well other than him not saying bye, i guess that's it. why?"

lev rolled his eyes at tsukishima's behavior, "when are you guys going to see each other again?"

you shrugged, "not sure. it's whatever though," you pulled on the hoodie strings tighter, "we got in an argument."


"so remember when the three of us hung out? we only hung out because kageyama and i knew that tsuki was gonna ditch me and hang out with that girl," you explained, "and so yeah he said he was going to hang out with me after he hangs out with jennie. like what the hell?" you rolled your eyes.

lev had a disgusted look on his face, as if he licked the bottom of his shoe.

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