that jennie chick

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day 2 of the training camp and he was back to ignoring you. the volleyball games already started a few hours ago and not one word was spoken between you two. not even a simple hello.

he's always so bipolar. one day he would act nice, the next day he would act like a complete dick.

practice games were about to end and yet still no word from him. the set going on with karasuno ended, leaving them finding some water.

however, a small, petite build walked into the gym. she was wearing the school's uniform and had a 'karasuno' jacket. the girl had a nice smile and pretty hair. jennie.

your eyes followed and trailed on her presence. she went over to tsukishima and waved to him, which he waved back to. your jaw dropped. so he waves to her but doesn't even make eye contact with me?

most of the players ignored her. not wanting to take in her presence. not in a rude way, but simply to focus on the matches.

tsukishima and her talked for a few seconds before you see yamaguchi pulling him by the back of his shirt and scolding him. kageyama on the other hand, rolled his eyes.

jennie stayed there for the rest of the practice game. cheering on your boyfriend. i guess, she didn't even see you. cause she didn't stop, not one bit. you started doing everything harshly due to this. you would fill the water bottles harshly, give them to the players harshly.

"y/n, calm down," kenma, from behind you, stated. he noticed how you were stressed from the fact your boyfriend's side chick is here, and wanted to calm you down, "are you okay..."

"no, i'm not okay." you whipped your head to face the setter. "so he would simply wave to that girl... but not me? did i do something wrong? i'm so confused." you gulped, jealousy filling your body. "i shouldn't be jealous, but i am. i fucking am."

"why can't you be jealous?"

"cause they could just be friends! i have many boy-friends... he can have girl-friends too."

lev walked over to you both. "you have the right to be jealous y/n." he figuratively rolled up his 'sleeves' and started walking to where karasuno was. "i'm gonna clock him... i'm gonna do it! no one can stop me!"

the whole nekoma team dismissed the first year because everyone knew lev didn't have the guts to do that in the first place.

yaku heard this and ran in front of lev, giving him a look, "if anyone is going to talk to tsukishima, it's suga-san and i. so you guys should butt out," the libero snapped, "except y/n, of course."

the games had ended making everyone leave the main gym and do personal training else where. your phone buzzed in your pocket, making you fish for it.


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