tall beanpole

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you woke up at 8:30, earlier than the rest. you started preparing for the games, getting the towels, water bottles, first aid kit and put it in the team bag.

after that was sorted out, you went back inside your room and got ready for today. you put on a black nekoma sweater, red spandex, and plain white air forces. you did your eyelashes today, which was unusual but you're seeing your boyfriend today... it's a special occasion.

you waited in the main entrance for players to come out. you noticed kai who was on his phone in the corner of your eye.

"hey, good morning, did you sleep good?"

kai looked at you and put his phone in his pocket, "yeah, i did. how about you?" he asked, earning a nod, "i took a nap, i heard kenma and tora didn't though, shibayama told me they were getting scolded by yaku a while ago."

"poor guys," you laughed at the story, "i mean, they should've slept, there are a lot of schools coming to karasuno today."

the older boy nodded at you, "yeah, well, they're probably getting yelled at by yaku right now."

you conversed with kai for a few more minutes before a loud buzz was heard from your right hand.


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hey :]

did you guys arrive
at miyagi yet?

yeah haha

we're about to leave to
go there actually

just waiting for a few



is tsuki there?

yep he's next to me


why oh:O

he hasn't texted me
the past few days

H U H?

at all??

not one message???


wtf is a nope??
ima- push him to the ground

yeah he doesn't text me
regularly anymore LOL

wait what 🙁


long distance is kicking
our ass i guess

but it's okay!!!! because
we'll see each other today
and everything will
be back to normal 😁

tsuki and y/n will
be up and running


anyway, we're leaving rn
see ya !!
loved by yams

everyone was boarding the bus to karasuno. you had to put the water dispensers in the storage part of the truck, the other guys were too ecstatic for the games to notice you needing help which made you sigh.

"i guess i'm doing this by myself," you twitched your head and attempted to lift up the heavy water-filled dispenser. "okay... come on y/n, you did push-ups why...can't..you... okay! i can't do this!"

"Y/N!" a voice from above you screamed. it was lev looking out of the bus window, laughing at your helpless state, "yaku-san! y/n needs help!" he called for the third year.

yaku looked out the window too, seeing you smile embarrassingly and gesture to the water dispenser. he took a deep breath before he started yelling, "WHY AREN'T YOU FUCKERS HELPING Y/N DOWN THERE? DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING?" he startled everyone, before yamamoto, him, and fukunaga ran down from the bus and help you.

"thanks guys, it was really heavy," you thanked their notion for helping you carry it in the storage part before locking it. you went inside the bus as lev waved you to go sit next to him.


"dude," he said while looking at his phone, "did i tell you about this new app i got! it's called episode! but this dumb game is making me pay ¥10,000 for diamonds... huh... good thing i'm rich!"

"tsuki tried to roast the shit out of you yesterday. i forgot to tell you."

the tall boy finally glanced at you, "what do you mean?"

you showed him the last text messages tsukishima sent you and felt embarrassed of the way he talks about your friends. whenever he hangs out with other people, even girls, even jennie, you never once talked bad about them like he did.

lev snorted, "don't worry about it y/n, he's just being the salt shaker that he is. seriously though, why is he always like that?"

you lifted your shoulders, indicating an 'i don't know'.

the bus started moving which prompted you to continue on, "i mean, some part of me is angry, yes, but also, you can't really fully trust someone in long distance, right? i guess he has a right to be jealous when i don't see him all the time like i do you."

the male simply looked at you and looked away quick. he didn't really know what to say. lev couldn't tell you the truth because that would just make you overthink even more. but the truth is: of course you can fully trust someone in long distance. tsukishima just doesn't put in the effort to.

10:15, karasuno high school 🏫

the nekoma team arrived at karsuno about 20 minutes later. all of you were standing in front of the volleyball gym, kinda hoping that tsukishima wasn't there yet.

you started filling every water bottle with water, soaked every towel and got the first aid kit ready. it was only you and a few more managers inside of the gym, but you could hear loud commotion coming from outside already. your heart felt like it was going to leap out of your chest.

one by one, each team started coming inside the gym. wakunan, then johzenji, then dateko, and then last but not least, karasuno. a grand entrance, right?

each player from karasuno started coming in. from the chill third years to the chaotic seconds. and there he was, your tall beanpole of a boyfriend walked in.

it truly made you nervous about seeing tsukishima again after him not really talking to you that much. you spotted him next to yamaguchi, then he looked at you. his lips curved up to a small smile.

you didn't know if you returned the smile as nervousness took over your body. you just continued your work. fill up water bottle. soak towel. pump air in ball. fill up water bottle. soak towel. pump air in ball. fill up water bottle... oh he's right in front of you.

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