that boy uh

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are you in tokyo yet?


yeah, just arrived


did you get home safe?

still at nekoma

okay, be safe going home

read 20:07

the team arrived at nekoma 4 hours later. a long bus ride indeed. well, it didn't seem long for you since you took a nap most of the time. you were glad you got out of the bus, but tsukishima's text plummeted your mood down.

after getting your phone from your backpack, you instantly put it in your pocket. irritation filling you up. a text? he didn't say goodbye? he didn't say sorry that he didn't say goodbye?

you were shocked by a heavy pair of hands resting on your shoulders. it was lev, who had an intense amount of energy at 8 in the evening. "y/nnnnn~ did tsukishima text you yet?"

"yeah, he did. why?"

"just checking. what did he say?"

"he said to get home safe."

lev grumbled out of annoyance, "that's it? what..." he fixed his hair and both of you headed to the gym, "so you're telling me that he didn't apologize for not saying goodbye to you?"

you shrugged, "mhm, you're right. it's whatever though."

the team had a quick meeting in the gym before everyone left. they put away the bottles, water jugs, volleyballs, and such into their proper places pleasing coach nekomata. it was dark in tokyo and really— cold.

you still had kenma's hoodie on which he thankfully lent you for the night. you, kenma, and kuroo were currently waiting for a train arrive. your suica was slowly running out of money and you cringed...

"make sure to give the hoodie back tomorrow," the blond stated, no emotion whatsoever.

you turned to look at him, "will do!"

"ah y/n," kuroo brought his line of vision down to meet your eyes, "why did you three run out of the bus earlier? i had my airpods on so i didn't get to hear ya."

"oh that?" you awkwardly rubbed your nape, as the three of you got situated in the train, "uh tsukishima didn't say goodbye, yaku got mad, we got scared yaku got mad, lev clowned yaku for getting mad, yaku got mad at lev for clowning him when he got mad, then i got mad at the both of them." you explained.

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