it's quiet, ain't no back talk

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6:14, miyagi inn 🏨

after several long hours in the bus, you finally arrived in an inn in miyagi at 6 am. everyone was still tired and sleepy, no one was ready for a game in 4 hours. 6 am was still pitch black in miyagi, the sun hasn't properly risen yet. the whole team walked inside the inn, yawns escaping their mouths every second.

the receptionist at the inn was looking at the several teenagers who looked a bit inside but gave you all your keys to the individual rooms nonetheless.

before everyone could get their key cards, coach nekomata interrupted everyone with a loud cough, "get some rest. i know it's very early, but i trust you all that you slept earlier than usual last night. the games start at ten, so everyone must be down here by nine forty. got it?"

"yes, sir."

you grabbed the key card from the desk and made your way up to the floor your room was in. luckily, you didn't have to share a room with anyone because nekoma got money.

you went upstairs to your inn room which was fortunately, next to kuroo's. he carried your duffel bag for you, like the true gentleman he is, and brought it inside your room.

the sleepy boy was about to lay down on your bed before you stopped him, "get out of my room! perv!"

he made a 'tch' sound, "i'm tired, just let me sleep here."

"absolutely not."

"please?" he said with disgusting puppy dog eyes

"no, you're literally a senior, now get out." you pushed him out of the door, and slammed it shut after his butt left the border of the door frame.

you laid on your bed, quickly setting an alarm for 8:35 so you could take a small nap before getting ready for the upcoming games later at karasuno. it did occur to you that why wasn't the team sleeping at the high school itself, but this bed was too comfy so you let the thought disappear.

you turned your back against the bed, now looking at the ceiling, "oh, i'm actually seeing tsukishima in a few hours. and that jennie girl too," you mumbled to yourself.

i'm not ready for this.


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hey y/n

are you in your room?

yes lol

oh okay good

you best be
taking a fucking nap

i was about to

then you texted me 😒

are you talking to
back to me?
back talk?

it's quiet ain't no back talk

that's what i thought


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