Getting better

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It has been 10 minutes since tyler left my room ordering me to follow him.
I had no choice but to go to him and try to find a way to get out of anything he was about to do to me.
I start walking towards his room feeling all anxious.i had no choice but to knock so i did.
Come in he says,i open the door and enter slowly there he was sitting half naked on the couch.
He looked so handsome but still i didn't want any of what might happen between us tonight.
I look at him and said,i need to grab my nightwear if you don't mind. He smiled gently and says sure go ahead but choose something sexy. I walk pass him i head to the closet where all my stuff was in,god this man has so much taste i think to myself eveything was there but not what i expected all the set of nightwear were so revealing i had to find something suitable.finally after a quick look i find myself a black floral satin dress with its robe.
As i was heading out of his rooms he calls me,tells me that this is my room and i should shower and get dress here.
I look around all lost whether i should argue with him or just do as he said.
I turn back and head to the showers lock the door take of my clothes,i get in turn on the hot water and start my i was done washing my hair i open my eyes and see him standing in the other shower,i try to cover myself with my hands while he was enjoying the view scanning my body from head to toe. What you think i don't have a set of extra keys,beside can't i take a shower too he turn the water on and washes his hot muscular body i tried not to look but i couldn't stop i had to take a peak every few seconds.this was the first time any man has ever saw me naked,and it really didn't bother me the way i thought it would.
I was almost done with my shower when i feel a warm soft touch on my back, he had placed his hands all over my shoulders down to my back.i turn around gently look at him our lips were so close to each other i couldn't breathe i felt so scared and yet so safe at the same time.
Please i tell him i can't please stop.
He comes even closer and ask me.
Haven't you ever been touched before?
I didn't answer,he then take his hand and place them on my chest and start kissing my neck felt so nice my body was burning up so fast i knew that if i let him go on we both won't be able to stop.
Do you like it? He ask,
do you want me to stop?
Thats when i look at him i tell him that i couldn't.
Let me make love to you lorine let me give you the pleasure you've been missing all these years.
I'm sorry tyler but i can't he looks at me so mad but didn't say a word he comes out from the showers wrap himself with a towel and leaves the bathroom.i didn't know what to feel was i suppose to be happy that he didn't touch me or sad that i stopped him,i was lost had no idea what to think didn't know what to feel anymore.i turn of the water dry myself and get dress hoping for the night to be over soon.
I open the bathroom door and there he was sleeping on the couch leaving me a huge bed all for myself,i felt sorry for him he was hurt but it was too late i rejected the one and only tyler scott it wasn't an easy thing for him. I got in bed covered myself and said a sweet goodnight without any response in return.
Tyler's POV
She looked so sexy in the shower i couldn't handle it no more i had to kiss her, i went in and started caressing her soft body i wanted to make love to her so badly, i had to kiss soon as she turned facing me she looked so beautiful all soaked in water i try to kiss her but she just stops me and said she couldn't i didn't know what to do i have never been in a situation when a girl rejects me i felt hurt.i look at her and leave the shower get myself dressed and lay on the couch.she came out all dressed in a beautiful set of floral satin nightwear that looked stunning on her,gets to the bed covers herself and sleep quietly.
I couldn't force her she was so gentle and pure i know that someday she will be mine and just have to wait. It will be hard but i have too i don't want to loose her.

The sun was so bright shinning on my face i wake up the couch was empty i look around he wasn't in the room only a note placed on a phone saying.beautiful call me when you wake.
I grab the phone and dial his number which was the only one saved in. He picks up and says.Hello babe i'm sorry i had to leave early to work you were sleeping so peaceful didn't want to wake you.
Me: hi i saw your note is everything ok?
Tyler: yes all is good listen mike will be picking you up in an hour i have a business meeting,i want you to be there too.
Business meeting? Is it necessary?i ask
Yes love he says oh how lovely that word sounds coming out of him.
Fine let me get ready i say .
Good then see you soon sweet lorine and we that he hangs the call.
business meeting?
What does that have to do with me?
Well i just have to wait and see.
I ran to the showers took a quick bath finished all my morning routines i head to my large closet i take a look and try to decide what to wear. After a while of looking i decide on a dark green dress with gold high heels.
I do a simple makeup and tie my hair in a long straight pony. I was all ready and having my coffee when my drive arrives i head out and get in the car.
Good morning mike i said politely
He greets me and open the car door for me.
On our way to meet up with tyler i notice that we were heading towards Melrose AV its the same street i worked at,and thats when mike stops in front of miranda's company.
I couldn't believe my eyes i was standing right across my office,did tyler change his mind?i thought to myself.i look around and there he was standing waiting for me i walk to him he was in a good mood which made me happy after all that happened last night. I ask him all curious so what are we doing here,he looks at me and says you'll see come on they are waiting for us.we then get in take the elevator and all the way up to the 7th floor where miranda and her ex-husband steve were waiting for us in the meeting room.
I was so nervous didn't know what to tell miranda for not coming these passed few days to work.
Good morning mr scott,miss lorine they Both greeted us.we grab our chairs and sat down and that's when i speak. Im sorry miranda i know you have been wondering where i've been this couple of days you see my .. i was trying to find a good reason when she cuts me and says it's ok lorine mr scott explained everything don't worry besides you are going to be my new partner so you can do whatever you like. I couldn't believe my ears new partner? what how ? i ask all confused
Thats when tyler finally speaks up,you see lorine steve owns half the company here when i heard that he had set it up for sale i decided to buy his share and let you run it.really tyler i asked all excited?
Yes love but i have one condition?
You will work from home you plan everything and your assistant will do the rest and  you get to choose any assistant you like,so what do you think?
I look at him and say It really wasn't what i was hoping for but working from home is better then doing nothing so why not i would like that very much thanks tyler i grab his hand and kiss him on the cheek.
Good then steve says congrats! lets start with the paperwork so did miranda she congrats me with a big smile. It was almost lunch time and our business deal was over so tyler and i decided to go out for lunch. It was a nice restaurant i had paella with huge shrimps on top he had pepper steak with side salad. On our way home i wanted to know so badly why did steve had to sell all was doing great between both partners when i was working there why now, so i had to know.
So tell me why did steve decided to sell his share?
He looks at me and laughs you really can't let anything pass you? does it really matter how or why?
Yes it matters to me so please tell me?
Well you see after steve and miranda got divorced things got out of hand for both of them especially steve he started loosing a lot of money gambling every night. So last week my men went to his home asking him to pay what he owes me when he didn't have the cash,he send me an offer to give me his share in the company in return i forget about the money he owes me. So i thought about it for a while then decide to accept. Listen he turns to me and grab my hand i know how badly you want to get back to work so i found this way suitable for both you and i,you get to do what you love from home and i won't have to worry about you being out all day alone so that's the whole story beautiful.
I felt so bad for steve he lost everything in a blink of an eye but well it was mostly his fault too.
Being possessive mr scott aren't you? 
i say to him.
Yes lorine you haven't seen how jealous of a man i'a m when it cones to my lady, he come closer to me and kisses me gently on the forehead. I smile softly and thank him for the incredible day. Our afternoon was nice we spent it swimming in his large pool had a delicious dinner too outside we had so much in common which was kind of weird. We talked a lot and shared so many stories from our past it was a evening well was getting late so we went up took each a shower alone by turn. I went to bed and tyler on the couch, said our  goodnights and wished for a good tomorrow.
Laying in bed thinking how beautiful this day was wishing for it to never end,thinking of all the talks we had i then realized that i was starting to like him a lot and maybe just maybe,
Forced to love wasn't bad anymore,i was falling deeply in love.

Hey guys.. i hope you enjoyed this chapter?
Next chapter very soon stay tuned to know what will happen between lorine and tyler. 😘😘

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