I lost her

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Lorine' POV
It was a cold rainy night sitting in the living room waiting for tyler to come home wondering where he was not knowing why he was acting the way he was.
We were doing great we had spent lovely days and romantic nights making love,when suddenly he wasn't the man he used to be.
He stayed out late most nights,barely talked to me during the day and even hadn't touched me for the past 2 weeks.he was acting so strange.i tried asking many times but he always said it was work or he was tired.
I was getting worried
Was he bored of me?
Did he find someone else?
All kinds of things went through my head, i started to feel lonely and i was loosing my mind.
End of POV

I was sleeping in bed all alone late at night when i heard the door room open. I sit up and there he was heading to the bathroom he looks at me and tells me to go back to bed,but no i won't i want to ask him and i won't stop till i know what was going on.
I get up and follow him he had taking off his clothes and was in the showers back facing me.
I get undressed and join him he feels me behind him but doesn't say a word.i place  bith my hands on his chest and come closer to his neck and start kissing him,he groans then turns to me. I kiss him hard he reacts too so passionately. He then stop me i ask why are you so distant from me?
Have i done something?
He then looks at me and says
No sweetheart
Then whats wrong tyler?,and please don't tell me it's work i know its something else and I insist on knowing.
Its nothing lorine! He yells at me stop asking! i said i'm fine there is nothing to worry about, he turns his back on me and continue with his shower.
I was so angry of how he spoke to me i couldn't take it anymore.
Fine then mr scott you know it's not that hard to say what's wrong here let me help you i say loud and clear. had sex with me enjoyed some hot nights had your fun and now your bored and need to look for a new toy! You see so simple! I turn around and leave him standing alone head down in the shower.i dry myself grab some clothes and run to my old room,i'm not sleeping beside this man again.i waited in bed all night for him to come in and explain himself or even just ask me to come back to his room,but he never did.
The sun was rising and here i was still awake thinking about tyler all lost not knowing what to do.
I spent all day in my room and even asked mary to get me some clothes,i wasn't gonna get out of this room i didn't want to see him.
He hurt me,Mostly his silence last night not defending himself was what scared me the most.

Tyler's POV
I was spending most nights out i was trying my best to avoid lorine.i left early in the mornings and came back late at night using work as an excuse just so i don't get to see her.
It was really hard but i had too i was falling deeply in love with her which made me panic i never wanted that all i ever wanted is for her to be mine i didn't ask for love.3 nights ago i felt so bad for her it killed me to see sadness all over her face.i wanted to tell her that she was wrong that she was never a toy to me and that making love to her was the best thing that has ever happened to me,but i couldn't i just stood there and said nothing,she then left and been sleeping in her room.i haven't seen her since that night.
End of POV

I was sitting working meeting with clients It was a long day at the office all i could think about was her, my beautiful lorine i couldn't take it anymore i had to call her i grab my phone i dial her number it was ringing but she didn't answer i tried couple of times but still no answer. I got nervous and decided to call mary.
As soon as she pick i asked her.
Where is lorine?
Mr scott she locked herself in her room it's been 3days sir.
What about food is she having any? I asked furiously.
Sir i have been taking her all kinds of food but she refuses to let me in.
Why haven't you told me mary!!
I was getting even more mad
Im sorry sir she says with a nervous voice,she made me promise not to tell you.
3 fucking days mary!! Im coming i said to her.
I rush home all worried and not knowing what to do when i see her,i mean i knew she was mostly spending her day in her room,but i never thought that she might starve herself.
I get home run right up to her room knock hard on the door,lorine!lorine! She wasn't answering i break down the door and get inside all worried there she was sleeping in bed.i try to wake her but her eyes were still closed she  seemed so weak. I lift her up and take her in the shower i turn on cold water which made her wake up she opens her eyes slowly looks at me i felt so bad for treating her the way i did the last couple of weeks.
I carry her back to the room lay her on the sofa change her wet clothes and put her back to bed.
Lorine babe you should eat mary is preparing your favorite meal i tell her.
She was too tired to even answer.
I spent all day quietly beside her making sure she ate all her meals,not one of us spoke a word.
She was feeling much better i had a doctor check on her he said she was dehydrated and will feel much better once she get some fluids in.
It was getting late i was tired so decided to sleep beside her to check on her at night i was about to fall asleep when i heard her call my name.
Tyler i need you to do something for me please?
I sit up ,anything love.
She looks at me and says i need you to set me free.
Just like that my whole world fell apart.
She wants to leave me.
She is asking me to let her go.
It's just then i knew that i have fallen in love with lorine,i couldn't let that happen but i couldn't hurt her no more.
It was the hardest thing to do but i had to for her and only her own happiness.
If that's what you want my love i said with an aching heart then you're free to go

Hey guys hope u like this chapter
More to come..
Will lorine leave or stay and what will happen to tyler if she decides to be free.

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