I had to

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Lorine's POV
It was the hardest decision i have ever made i knew it was the best thing to do i needed to start over try to live a normal life without him in it,but why does it feel wrong!
why am i sad why is my heart shattered into million pieces?
The night i told him i had to go i didn't expect him to understand and just agree.i thought he might force me to stay but he didn't he just said yes without even arguing or even going back to the part where my dad owned him money. It has been 6 months since i last saw tyler he had sent me mike the next morning and just like that in just what i was wearing i left the mansion regretting the same second i got in the car hopping i made the right choice.
I went back home that same day saw my dad had a little talk not saying much only that i got a new job and needed to leave the country for a while. He didn't even have the guts to ask any question knowing everything that happened to me was because of him. I pack mu stuff and head to the airport i didn't have a plan nor knew where i was going i just had to leave.the only destinations available that day was either london or france. So i decided with london knowing that finding a job there would be easier and surely don't speak french,so just like that i bought a ticket and left, thank god i had some savings enough to get me started.
I stayed a couple of days in a hotel looking for a job and a little studio i can rent.which i finally did.i had found a job in a small event planning company mostly small parties and birthdays but i was ok with that i needed anything i could get i also found a studio not that far from work. Things was starting to get better for me, financially i was stable but emotionally i was a mess.tyler was always in my mind and heart i couldn't think of anything else all i wanted was him. I thought so many times to call him but was scared that he moved on which made me even more sad. I mean i'm sure he is doing fine he had never told me that he loved me,to him i was just a girl he wanted and got,but to me he was and still is the air i breathe every second.

Tyler's POV
Just like that she left me without saying a word i didn't want her to go but seeing her like that made me feel guilty i couldn't let her hurt herself anymore i loved her and still do but i had to respect her decision even if it meant living without the only person i have ever loved. After she left i got myself busy all day and came late at night thinking it will help me take my kind of and maybe forget ,but as time passed it got even worse i started missing her more and more all i wanted was to see lorine and bring her back home she belongs with me she is my whole life and i needed her i needed to tell her how i felt i knew that life without her isn't going to be easy and i wasn't planning on spending another second without my girl,i decided to go and try asking her to come even if it meant bringing her by force one more time i was going to nothing was going to stop me but this time i was going to make it better for both of us.2 months had passed and it was time to get my lorine or thats what i thought.
I was driving like crazy thinking of what to say when i see her trying to find the best way to make her come back.i get out the car get to the front door and knock many times hoping to find my beautiful girl when finally her half drunk dads open the door without any heads up he looks at me and just like that without even caring says, if your looking for lorine she left the country 2 months ago and i don't know where she went.I didn't know how to react i got lost in a different world all i wanted was her and only her and all i got was a broken heart that could never be fixed unless i find her and won't stop till i do.

Hi guys hope u like the new short update more is coming your way 😘😘

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