"Breaking Through The Atmosphere"

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Chapter 2.

    "Anna, this place is beautiful." I said in astonishment, there were Calatheas sitting on hanging shelves and beautiful patterned tiles lining the walls with florals. Large light bulbs at every corner held not light but greenery, it felt like an instant home. In my first 24 hours living here, I can confidently say that I can see it easily becoming that.

    Days past and I was settling in, I hadn't visited many other places outside of my apartment and Anna's café. I had completely forgotten about whatever surge of crazy got into me that made be give that man a flower. I really don't know what I thought that would do.

    She smiled while pulling out an old apron for me to use. The apron was light green, I had to tie it around me multiple times to adjust the size. I tried to thank her, but she turned me down.

    "No need to thank me, Darby. I owe plenty to you simply for the joy you've given me." She shook her head as she talked and wiped down the counter as well as the counter above the glass case that beheld the sweets.

    "Have you met any friends yet? Any friends in your same apartment?" She kept the conversation afloat flawlessly, but I couldn't help but laugh at her eagerness.

    "No, Anna, I haven't even been here for a full day yet." I smiled at her, hearing the café's doors clink open. I should have looked. "Though I did somehow manage to meet some famous guy at the florist yesterday. It was so strange I-"

    "Ciao come posso aiutarti?" She said to the customer. He replied to her with, "Mi dispiace, non parlo italiano." He laughed and it was scary familiar.

    I looked up from my hands to find him again

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    I looked up from my hands to find him again. This time wearing some probably-gucci floral shirt that could be easily thrifted. I don't know how he saw me, much less how he knew I was here, but I met his eyes as he looked over his shoulder.

 I don't know how he saw me, much less how he knew I was here, but I met his eyes as he looked over his shoulder

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(i'm so sorry lol ignore the words under that one)

   I didn't notice Anna's grin until it was much too late.

    "That girl over there is Darby. And I am Anna." She said, boldly. Bold... it was kind of her thing. "Well, Anna," He said, his voice growing bubbly, "Your Darby is beautiful, and so are you." He placed his hands behind his back, bowing slightly towards Anna, and his nodding towards me. I had nothing to say, I only finished up sweeping in order to find the confidence to speak to him.

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