"The World's Happy Waiting"

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Chapter 11.

Vanilla by Holly Humberstone

      We walked through the city in broad daylight, and Harry held my hand throughout it all. There were pictures. And there were videos. And there were people not minding their business. But it was fine with me.

      I hoped Harry wasn't minding it either, at least they weren't crowding around us most of the time. I'm not sure how I would react to that, if I'm honest.

      He didn't seem to care at all actually. That helped me. We took a couple trains to a couple different places, not ever exactly knowing where or what they were. He kept asking me if I was comfortable, a couple times catching me off guard.

(tried drawing on the rings, meh

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(tried drawing on the rings, meh. lol)

     "Your hair looks pretty today." He said as we walked back across town towards Anna's café. I left it down and natural today. I gushed, "Thank you, Harry." My rings clinked against his at times, which I found funny for some reason. "I like your H ring." I touched it with my open hand.

     "Thank you! It's Gucci." I immediately stopped touching it, looking shocked. I probably should have guessed that. They looked crazy expensive of course, but I think that I forgot that most of the time even his plain t-shirts are hundreds of dollars. He laughed at me and I pulled on his arm, succumbing to little giggles as well.

     "Hey let's go back home, ok? After we grab pastries from Anna's, obviously." He grabbed my one hand with both of his and I answered, "of course" without even thinking about it. We'd been out all morning and then some, so going back was probably a sensible idea. I just wondered why he was so insistent. "My house?" I asked, he nodded.

     "Harry!" Anna leaped out of her seat as we arrived. Typical Anna, I was pretty sure she loved him more. More than who? The answer was unknown by me.

      "Darby, what could I get you on your day off." She smiled and went straight behind the counter. "Anna, do you ever take a break?" I noticed that Harry let go of my hand, he seemed to be unfocused, looking off in different directions. I turned back to Anna, shaking her head with a smile on her face. "Don't need a break when it's what I love." She sang.

      Harry came back to it. "I'll have the um," He made a deciding face, "The lemon custard tart. Yes, that one. I think she'll have the same thing, am I right?" He raised his eyebrows at me with a cheeky smile. I nodded to Anna, mirroring his grin. She gave us a devious all-knowing smile in return and went to get the freshest lemon pastries. Harry set much too many euros on the counter as we left to sit down.

      It was a little bit quiet at first, which was so odd that it pushed me to ask about it. "How are you feeling, H." I wanted an honest answer so badly, typically when you ask someone that question they give a simple 'Good'.

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