"In A Little Better Light"

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Chapter 25.

Gold Rush by Taylor Swift
      "Look over here, Harry, please."

      The photographer was pretty quiet, not like I had experience with them, Harry seemed a little lost. He played it off so well, I swore it was nearly unnoticeable, and I was jealous of it. I would've been so overwhelmed, he was so smooth and knew what to do even without guidance.

      He wore an outfit that I thought was nearly pajamas. Of course he made it work, especially with the hat. It brought out the curls on his forehead. I knew of nothing else to do but stand a couple feet away from him, awkwardly. I caught his glances here and there, but he continued to be pulled back into a, to me, completely new part of his life.

      The album didn't feel real until now

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      The album didn't feel real until now. Of course it felt real when he was singing them to me with a guitar and a shy smile. This was real in the sense that so many people were going to see this exactly. The fact that there was a good portion of songs written about me on it; I couldn't begin to process that so I pushed away the idea continuously. I'd have to share him with people, and part of that felt like a very sweet thing to do. Until I thought of the privacy he'd lose and the comfort he'd lose. But he loved it, so it was okay. I could always be his comfort if things resorted to that.

      I snapped out of it, realizing I was looking out at the sun that was fading over the Amalfi Coast. A four hour drive for this. I dare say it was worth it.

      Another snap out of it came with the hands around my waist, sliding through my arms that wrapped around a cross body bag hanging over my shoulder.

      "Oh!" "How's it going?" He grinned, coming in an odd amount of close to me. I tipped his hat back, pulling it off of his patted down curls as I resorted to laughing.

      "I should be asking you the same question."

      "We're taking a small break. I requested it."

      "Ah, you did?" I teased. I quickly became aware of the people around us, the people that lived in their petal colored houses along this road that ran along the ocean.

      There were some people screaming his name, sending me straight to my thoughts. Back out of them when he turned me away from it, obviously noticing a change in my face. "I'm sorry," He said quickly as he distracted me unintentionally with his finger tracing behind my ear.

      I reached for my bag, stepping away. "It's okay."

      His odd look should've told me something, but it didn't have the time with the calling of his name, Jeff and Harry's stylist had been trying to get his attention for a couple minutes now.

      "So Harry," A man I didn't recognize came up to him. He seemed an overconfident fraud who refused to ever reveal his actual age to younger girls he tried to swoon, but that was merely my judgement from his voice and composure. I knew something was off about him from the moment he touched Harry's shoulder. "New album next month, aye? What's next for ya?" His ripping American accent was loud and stubborn in itself. I only felt so judgmental after seeing Harry's odd reaction to him.

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