"Good to go on this end. The rest is up to you and Zephrine", Tony said as he flies toward Stark Tower as he wore his Iron suit.

"You disconnected the transmission line? Are we off the grid? "Pepper asked.

"Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy", Tony said.

"We know. That's the 48th time you've said that", Zephrine Stark said.

Pepper laughed. "Well assuming the arc reactor takes over and it actually works", Pepper said.

"I assume", Tony said. "Light her up".

The lights on Stark tower came on. "How does it look?" Pepper asked.

"Like Christmas, but with more me",Tony said.

Zephrine laughed. "And me", she joked.

"Uh huh. Sure", Tony said which made Zephrine laugh.

"We've got to go wider on the public awareness campaign. You need to do some press", Pepper said. "I'm in DC tomorrow. I'm working on the zoning for the next three buildings".

"Pepper, you're killing me. The moment, remember? Enjoy the moment".

"Get in here and I will".

"Gross", Zephrine said. Tony and Pepper laughed.

Tony came into Stark Tower. "Levels are holding steady. I think", Pepper said.

"Of course they are. I was directly involved", Tony said. Zephrine tapped on his shoulder. Tony looks at her. He looks back at Pepper. "And Zeph was involved".

"Thank you", Zephrine said.

"How does it feel to be a genius?"Tony asked Pepper.

"Well, I really wouldn't know, now would I?" Pepper asked.

"What do you mean, Pep? All this came from you", Zephrine said.

"No, all this came from that", Pepper said, pointing at Tony's arc reactor.

"Give yourself some credit. Please. Stark Tower is your baby", Tony said. Zephrine nodded in agreement. "Give yourself 12% of the credit".

"Ooh", Zephrine said. She almost fell out of her chair when she started laughing.


"An argument can be made for 15".

"12% My baby%"

"I would've given you 50 or the whole credit", Zephrine said.

"Thank you, Zeph", Pepper said.

"Well I did do all the heavy lifting. Literally, I lifted the heavy things".

"So did I", Zephrine said. "I'm buff too. I can lift heavy things".

"First of all, did you just call yourself buff?" Tony asked.

"Yes. Okay, maybe not buff, but you know what I meant".

"And secondly, you only got 4%", Tony said. Zephrine looked at him in shock.

"Wow. So you get the rest of the credit? You get 84%?" Zephrine asked. She looked at Pepper. "I don't think that's fair. Do you?"

"No", Pepper said. "Give her at least 20%"

"20?" Tony asked.

"It's better than 12", Pepper said.

"Alright. 20", Tony said.

"Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overridden",JARVIS said.

"Mr. Stark, we need to talk", A man's voice said. Zephrine recognized that voice.

"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark. Please leave a message", Tony said.

Zephrine chuckled. "Well can I talk to Miss Stark? It's urgent", The man's voice said.

"Then leave it urgently", Tony said.

Zephrine stood by the elevator, hopping up and down in excitement. The elevator opened. Phil Coulson was in the elevator.

"Security breach. It's on you", Tony said.

"Phil, come in", Pepper said.

"Phil!" Zephrine shouted with excitement. She wrapped her arms around him once he got out of the elevator.

"Phil?" Tony questioned.

"I can't stay", Coulson said.

"But you just got here", Zephrine said sadly.

"His first name is 'Agent'", Tony said.

Zephrine sighed. "Oh Dad", she said.

"We're celebrating", Pepper said.

"Which is why he can't stay", Tony said.

"Nonsense. The more the merrier. We always have time for Philly Coulson. You came for a celebration, right?"Zephrine asked.

"Not exactly", Coulson said. He handed Tony a file. "We need you and Zephrine to look this over as soon as possible".

"I don't like being handed things",Tony said.

"That's fine because I love to be handed things. So let's trade", Pepper said.

She handed Phil Coulson her glass of wine. He gave her the file. Pepper gave Tony the file and took his glass of wine.

"Is this about the Avengers?" Pepper asked. "Which I know nothing about".

"I thought the Avengers Initiative was scrapped", Zephrine said.

"I didn't even qualify", Tony said.

"I didn't know that either", Pepper said.

"Apparently, I'm volatile, self obsessed, don't play well with others".

"And my excuse was that I wasn't ready and that I needed training. I wasn't well experienced", Zephrine said. "Well experienced my ass".

"That I did know".

"This isn't about personality profiles anymore", Coulson said.

"Whatever. Miss Potts, you got a second?" Tony asked. Pepper walked towards Tony.

Zephrine looked at Phil. "Don't worry. There are two girls, just about your age, who are joining as well", Coulson said.

"I'm guessing one of them is Bella?"


"What made S.H.I.E.L.D change their mind?" Zephrine asked.

"Someone came to this world and mind controlled some of our agents. Including Dr. Selvig", Coulson explained.

"A man came through a portal?"Zephrine asks.

"Not a man, Zeph. A god", Coulson said. She looked at him in shock. Zephrine looked at her father and Pepper.

Tony pulled up a file of everyone who was part of the Avengers Initiative. The sounds overlap each other and Zephrine gasped.

Two of the files caught her attention.

"Lavinia Lokidottir and Bella Romanoff. Wait Loki's daughter as in...", Zephrine started. Coulson nodded.

"Those are the girls", Coulson said. "Lavinia's your age. Well Lavinia is 16. And you know Bella. She's 13. They're teenager, like you. You'll have some teen friends. You're 15, right?"

"Yeah", Zephrine said. "Is Loki the one that we're up against?"

"Yeah", Coulson said.

"Well I'm obviously going".

"Your Dad is not going to like that".

"That's too bad. He's going to have to deal with it".

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