That night, Zephrine couldn't sleep in her bed at Stark Industries. Pepper was in her office, making phone calls. Zephrine walked out of the room with her pajamas on.

Zephrine walked into the conference room to see Natalie and Alleb talking to a man with an eye patch.

"It's late. Stark's probably asleep already. Plus, we don't want anyone to get suspicious", Alleb said.

"That kid of his is still awake. She's already onto us", Natalie said. The three of them turned around to see Zephrine.

Zephrine ran out of the room. "Don't let her get away!" The man with the eyepatch said. The three of them followed her.

Zephrine takes a turn into another hallway. She tried to open a door, but it was locked. She looked back to see Alleb standing there. "Zephrine, don't try to run", Alleb says. Zephrine opened a door. She ran down the stairs. She opened the door to see Natalie, standing in front of her.

Zephrine tried to scream, but the man with the eyepatch puts his hand over her mouth. He and Natalie took her into a room.

They tied her up. They were joined by Alleb. "You won't get away with this! Just wait until I tell my Dad that three criminals snuck into his company. If you think you can steal from Tony Stark, think again", Zephrine said.

"We're not here to steal from him. We're here to help him", Natalie said.

"If you're trying to help him with his drinking problem, good luck with that", Zephrine said.

"He's dying, Zeph", The man with the eyepatch said.

"What? He-He-He didn't tell me".

"The thing that is keeping him alive, it's also killing him", Alleb said. "And we're going to help him".

"Who the hell are you guys?"Zephrine asked.

"Miss Stark, I am Nick Fury, Director of S.H.E.I.L.D", The man with the eyepatch said.

"S.H.I.E.L.D? As in-" Zephrine was interrupted when the door opened. Agent Phil Coulson walked into the room. He closed the door. "Y-You're Phil Coulson, the one that Dad and Pepper talk about".

"Yeah. You must be Zephrine Stark. It's a pleasure. I would shake your hand, but you're tied up", Coulson said.

"I have a question. Are their names really Natalie and Alleb Rushman?"Zephrine asked.

"No. Mom is Agent Natasha Romanoff", Alleb said.

"So she's actually your mother?"

"Not by birth, but yes".

"So, everything else that you told me was a lie?" Zephrine asked.

"I meant what I said in the bedroom. I meant every word. I am your friend, Zephrine".

"So what's your real name?"

"That remains classified", Coulson said.

"So now that we're all caught up and now that I know you're spies, can you let me go?" Zephrine asked.

"No", Coulson, Natasha and Fury said in unison.

"Oh forget this", Zephrine said. Zephrine did a backflip and landed on the conference table. Her chair broke from under her. Zephrine grabbed one of the legs to the chair. She did a kick up and landed on the ground next to Fury, Coulson, Natasha and Alleb.

Fury took her down by sweeping her legs. Zephrine fell to the ground. She groaned in pain. Fury, Coulson, Natasha and Alleb looked at Zephrine.

"Impressive. Where'd you learn to do that?" Coulson asked.

"My mom taught me before she died",Zephrine said. Fury and Natasha looked at each other. Coulson helped Zephrine's get up.

"She'll come with us when we talk to her father. Until then, make sure she doesn't leave her room. No one goes in or out", Fury said.

"Great. I'm a prisoner now", Zephrine said sarcastically. "Why can't you leave me alone".

"You know to much", Natasha said.

"So we're gonna have to kill you", Alleb said.

"Wait, what?!" Zephrine shouted.

"She's kidding", Coulson said.

"Good. I'm too young. And by the way, holding me captive is child endangerment. And I'm sure Alleb wouldn't like for her mom and her uncles to commit that crime", Zephrine said.

"Do you care?" Coulson asked Alleb.

"I don't know. Would you ever hold me captive?"

"That wasn't the question, dammit", Fury says. Zephrine tried to walk towards the door, but Coulson grabbed her. "Coulson, you'll watch Zephrine and make sure she doesn't leave her room until tomorrow morning".

"Yes, sir", Coulson said. He and Zephrine walked towards Zephrine's room.

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