
Tony, Pepper and Zephrine got out of the car when they arrived at the Monaco Hotel De Paris.

Zephrine fiddled with her dress. "Hey, hey. Stop that. This is a very expensive dress", Tony said.

"It can't be that expensive. This is so uncomfortable", Zephrine complained.

"Well you know the saying, Beauty is uncomfortable", Tony said.

"That's not even how the saying goes. Can I please change out of this stupid dress?" Zephrine asked.

"It's not stupid".

"Tony, let her change", Pepper said.

"Alright, but make it quick", Tony said. Zephrine ran into the bathroom to get changed. Natalie and Alleb walked towards them.

"Mr. Stark?" Natalie asked.

"Hey", Tony said.

"How was your flight?" Alleb asked.

"It was excellent. Boy, it's nice to see you, Natalie", Tony said. Alleb rolled her eyes and walked away.

After Zephrine changed into a brown leather jacket, red scarf, black pants and black boots, she joined Tony. When she found Tony, he was talking to Justin Hammer and Christine Everhart.

Justin looked at Zephrine. "Zephrine?"Hammer asked. Zephrine took a small step backwards.

"You know Zephrine?" Tony asked.

"Oh, she didn't tell you? I tried to adopt her a few months ago, but she claimed that she didn't want to be adopted. It looks like she changed her mind", Hammer said.

"I was looking for my real Dad",Zephrine said as she grabbed Tony's arm.

"Tony Stark is your...your father?"Hammer asked.

"Yes, I am", Tony said.

"Don't let this guy take me", Zephrine whispered to Tony.

"You're fine. I won't let that happen".

Zephrine walked away from Tony, Christine and Hammer. She found Natalie and Alleb.

"What's wrong, Miss Stark?" Natalie asked.

"Justin Hammer is here. That man is a psychopath. He tried to adopt me. He makes me sick", Zephrine said.

"Why don't you stay close to us, Zephrine", Natalie said.

"Thank you", Zephrine said.


Pepper, Zephrine and Alleb were sitting at a table. They looked on the TV to see Tony, on a race car track, wearing a blue race car outfit.

"Natalie. Natalie!" Pepper called out. Natalie walked towards the table.

"Yes, Miss Potts?" Natalie asked.

"Did you know about this?" Pepper asked.

"This is the first that I have known of it".

"This-This cannot happen".

"Absolutely. I understand. How can I help you?"

"Where's Happy?"

"He's waiting outside".

"Okay. Get him. I need Happy", Pepper said.

"Right away", Natalie said before she ran away. The race had began. Everyone looked at the TV, interested now that Tony was in the race. Outside, the cars passed the Hotel.

The camera showed a man, walking into the race track. He wore an orange suit.

The man opened his shirt to reveal an Arc Reactor. Zephrine gasped. He activated his own electrical whips.

A car came towards him. His electrical whip sliced the car in half. Pepper and Zephrine looked at Happy, who stood by the entrance. He held up a case.

Pepper stood up and ran towards him. Zephrine followed. Happy, Pepper and Zephrine ran to the car. The three of them got in.

"Go, Go!" Pepper shouted. Happy slammed on the pedal and the car took off.

"Hang on", Happy said. The car rammed into a wall. The wall broke. The car was on the race track.

"Hurry! We got to help Dad!" Zephrine shouted.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" Happy shouted.

"Give me the case", Pepper said.

"Here. Take it", Happy said as he gave Pepper the case.

"Where's the key?"

"It's in my pocket", Happy said.

"Car!" Pepper shouted. Zephrine screamed.

They saw the guy with the whiplash walking towards Tony. Happy ran into the guy with the Whiplash. Tony got on the fence to get out of the way. Tony jumps off the fence.

"Are you okay?" Happy asked Tony.

"Yeah", Tony said. "Were you heading for me or him?"

"I was trying to scare him", Happy said. Meanwhile, Zephrine was trying to comfort Pepper.

"Cause I can't tell", Tony said. "And you brought Zephrine into this?"

"Are you out of your mind?" Pepper shouted.

"Better security".

"Get in the car!" Pepper shouted.

"I was attacked! We need better security!"

"Dad, get in the car", Zephrine said.

"You're CEO. Better security measures. God, it's embarrassing", Tony said as he walks toward the other side of the car. He opens the door.

The door was sliced in half by the man with the Whiplash. Pepper, Happy and Zephrine screamed.

The car moved backwards. Then, it rammed into the man again. "I got him!" Happy shouted.

"Hit him again! Hit him again!" Tony shouted.

"Take the case! Take the case!" Pepper shouted as Happy rammed into the man repeatedly.

"Give him the case!" Happy shouted.

"Stop banging the car!"

Zephrine grabbed the case from Pepper. A Whiplash sliced the car in half. Zephrine screamed.

Zephrine threw the case to Tony. She moved to the other side of the car. The case activates into a suit. Tony puts on the suit. Tony pushed the car out of the way.

Zephrine watched the fight between Tony and Whiplash. "Now this is awesome", Zephrine said. When the fight was over, Tony ripped the Arc Reactor out of Whiplash.

The police came to take him away. "You loose", Whiplash laughed. "You loose. You loose, Stark".

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