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               VIVIENNE AUGUSTINE WAS no longer part of this earth. She was out of reach from the haunting reality. She was out of reach from the beady eyes of the statues that lined the halls of the Augustine manor. No words could even graze her skin for she was too far away from them now. 

               She was untouchable. Unreachable. Unpredictable.

               She could feel herself sinking further and further away from the world. There was no destination- just a desire to escape. She didn't need a destination, to leave her home behind was enough. A sliver of freedom, a minuscule part of adventure, something she'd desired since her first breath. Why it didn't come sooner? Her own fear. The thought of leaving where she'd spent her entire life petrified her- yet it seemed exciting. 

                 Bravery didn't run through her blood- nor any of her family member's blood either. Her parents were cowards. Her sister was a coward. And her brothers were cowards. Hiding from all that scared them, forcing themselves to fit in- was that all she wanted to be remembered for? Being a coward? 

             Perhaps she was overthinking the situation. Though she had limited time to think everyday- so she needed to put it to use. The rest of her hours filled with reprimands, instructions on how to fit in. She didn't want to fit in. She didn't need to fit in. So what was the point of it all? To sacrifice her humanity and free will just to die unhappy like her ancestors? She didn't want that. She wanted freedom like her Aunt Agatha had. 

              The older woman never married, she just moved in with her business partner Eleanor after making enough money to retire in a cottage beside a meadow. They lived among all the wild things. Bees, flowers, the trees, bushes, rabbits- what freedom they had. Vivienne had been locked in her house since day one. Trained to become a good housewife for a husband she wouldn't even love. Respect, maybe, but love?

               And that was where she considered herself a tragedy. Living her life under some mask of this perfect girl. The one who looked like a porcelain doll, who only wore the finest blues, the one who spoke the most refined French. The one with perfect raven colored ringlets that went down exactly to the nape of her neck, with her hair so thick one could drown in it- they looked like ocean waves at midnight, she'd been told by a boy she didn't like. His eyes silently asked her to say something. Something that would prove her interest. She fell silent. His face filled with displeasure.

              That was why she stopped attending school with other students. Their prying eyes begged for her secrets to slip, to ruin her. She didn't want that to happen. This perfect reputation had taken years to build. She didn't need it washed away like shells on a shore. She could only beg to the gods that maybe one day the person in the mirror would match who she truly was. Then she wouldn't have to hide. She begged that she wouldn't care what anyone thought. Yet maybe it was too much to ask for. Maybe she asked too often. But what else was she to do? Her parents' gazes, her siblings' gazes, the help's gazes they judged her with every step she took. And that was why fear ran through her veins. 

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