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               CLOUDS COATED THE SKY, A DIM LIGHT SHINING OVER LONDON. Blue peeking out, a magnificent swirl of a tender yellow decorating the sky alongside the puffs, the green grass slowly fading into city streets. Packed with people, all with different stories and destinations. Both the rich and poor mingling all as one, the stores serving the world equally, the owners in a daze of the need to make money. And Vivienne sat in the back of a cart that was transporting goats. Perfect. 

                The ride had been relatively silent, which lead to Vivienne naming the goats, or trying to, before eventually giving up, seeing as they looked the same. Tewksbury called out the names of as many plants as he could as they passed by, Enola and Vivienne sharing both annoyed and amused looks. With every bump in the road they winced, and with every sheep's bleat they slowly became closer and closer to fulfilling their desire to throw themselves off the cart.

               As a sheep bleated, Enola finally spoke. "Well, you would say that." Chuckles escaped the lips of both Tewksbury and Vivienne, before they returned to their normal silence once again.

              All of them watched as the dirt roads turned into stone streets, and as they quickly became surrounded by a bustling city, Vivienne realized that she really did have no plan. Enola was to go off on her own, and Vivienne most definitely did not want to spend her time with Tewksbury. Her aunt Agatha had mentioned a tea place once or twice, and if Vivienne could remember the name, that was where she'd go. But, alas, her memory was clouded with other thoughts that forbade her from accessing that specific one, which left her with one other plan. 

Run around London aimlessly. 

            Well thought out, no. But the only other thing she could do to ensure she wasn't a bother to the others. Especially Enola, who Vivienne felt as if she'd been clinging onto for the past few hours. 

              As the cart came to a stop, Enola took her cap between her teeth and slid off smoothly, Vivienne soon following her actions. Tewksbury's face turned into one of slight disappointment. "Oh, so this is where we part?"

               "It is." Enola murmured, brushing the dirt off her pants.

               "Then, thank you, Enola Holmes, Vivienne Augustine, for helping me here."

                Both of them smiled. "You're welcome, Tewksbury. Just don't get caught again." Vivienne said to the boy, both of them laughing again slightly.

               "What she said," Enola paused in thought, "And you were supposed to have forgotten that name."

                As the cart started off again, the boy quickly said, "Then you'll have to find another." He slowly faded into the streets of London, turning into another speck of a dull color.

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