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                A SWISH OF A DRESS'S FABRIC MOVED PAST HER, muttered curses and the hum of a conversation in a language Vivienne didn't recognize filled the air

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                A SWISH OF A DRESS'S FABRIC MOVED PAST HER, muttered curses and the hum of a conversation in a language Vivienne didn't recognize filled the air. And it was exhilarating. The air stung her skin as it whooshed past her, and though she was slightly lost, a smile was etched on her face. 

                 It was slightly confusing, being on her own in a train station for the first time in her life. She'd been exposed to the outside world, or at least the parts her parents deemed important- finishing school, high end clubs, fancy manors. It made her be slightly on edge, her hand hovering around the money and ticket that were messily stuffed in the pockets of her ill-fitting trousers. Excitement suddenly outweighed worry when she realized that the train was just about to depart, and she needed to get on. She knew that soon enough people would realize she was gone- if they hadn't already. 

                 Vivienne adjusted her hat that concealed her thick midnight hair, and smoothed the front of the button down she was wearing in an effort to look more organized. The dusty porter's coat she was wearing was still slightly large, and so, knowing she'd never get to look exactly like a boy. 

                Her eyes searched the station, looking for a familiar face, just in case she'd need to make a hasty escape. Suddenly, she collided with someone. "My lord, I'm sorry," her face turned a slight shade of pink out of realization, before she deepened her voice in order to sound more like a boy. "Uhm, are you alright?"

                 The person in front of her visibly paled slightly, his cheeks gaining a slightly pink color at the same time. His softer features twisted into one of both bewilderment and annoyance, before he adjusted his blue cap. "Yes, I'm alright. Sorry about that!" Then, he ran away towards the ticket-master. 

               Weird, Vivienne thought, before hastily making her own way towards the man. She handed him her ticket, and he checked it quickly before giving her a sharp nod. With that, she was quick to board, sneaking one last glance at the growing crowd of people, and seeing nobody she knew, she stalked off into the train.

               She could do this. She didn't need anybody. And she was going to make sure her parents knew  that she didn't need them.

                   The search for an empty compartment was as tedious as the task of avoiding her family members. Most were filled with people who's eyes followed her with great interest, something that she wasn't elated by. She walked down the halls, as quiet as she could be, paranoid that someone would recognize her, even if she didn't recognize them. With every compartment she came across, she became more and more discouraged at the sight of them being filled with people. Why was it so hard to find an empty compartment? 

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