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THE FOREST'S GREENERY hit her like a punch to the face- the trees, the untamed grasses. She leaped over the tree branch that lay on the ground, something that nearly killed the boy she and Enola were looking for. And as soon as he reached the rope that he was to climb, he gave into his ever growing tire, and collapsed in front of it, drawing the attention of Enola, who had climbed up the rope like an expert. She hadn't followed Enola at first, but she eventually went after her, just to make sure she wasn't going to land herself in trouble.

"I'm just going to lay here, alright Enola?" She asked closing her eyes and breathing in the crisp air.

"That's fine." The other girl responded. 

Vivienne could hear Enola talking to herself, but chose to focus on the noises of nature instead, trying to return her mind to a calm state. And for a moment it worked. 

A moment.

"It's not as stable as you think up there," Vivienne shot up from her place on the ground just as she heard a crash from above her, "Some of those branches are extremely capricious. Good morning. I believe we've already met, though you were dressed differently then." A woman in black- The Dowager- Tewksbury's grandmother looked between the two girls, before resting her gaze on Enola.

"You'd already discovered this, hadn't you?" Enola asked the woman.

The Dowager nodded. "We discovered it a few days ago. Would you care to come down?" Enola did as she said slowly sliding down the rope. "Did you two see anything to report to your... employer?"

Enola grunted as she fell to the ground, landing on her feet. "Oh. No. Sherlock. Um... he'll probably want to come by." 

"Yes, I think he will." Vivienne got up quickly, eyes slightly out of nervousness. 

"Hm. What did you both say your names were again?" The elder woman asked.

"May. Beatrice Posy. And that is... um..."

"Lucy Agatha Carnation." Vivienne's face flushed once she realized how stupid the name sounded. 

"And how old are you, Miss Posy and Miss Carnation?" The woman followed up, unimpressed with their answers.

"Twenty-two. Lucy is twenty-one."

"I'll have to let the gardener go for lending you his uniform."

"No. No, I forced him."

Vivienne nodded. "That she did."

Enola shot her an annoyed glare. "I tied him up. I know jujitsu." She made a whistling noise as she moved her hands in front of her into a pose which Vivienne could only assume was a jujitsu position. "It's a martial art."

"And I threatened him. Told him I would come after him if he didn't give En-May his clothes." Vivienne smiled awkwardly, catching onto her slipup.

"You two are most intriguing, Miss Posy and Miss Carnation." The three of them chuckled softly. "Or should I say Missus Posy. My condolences, by the way." Enola's smile faltered. "Walk with me?"

"BEAUTIFUL, ISN'T IT?" The Dowager said as they walked through the row of trees. "It always felt an honor to me that my family was given this part of England to protect."

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