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THERE ARE TIMES IN OUR LIVES where we feel helpless. Times where we feel as if the sun has stopped shining on us completely, and that all feelings of happiness have faded. Times where there isn't a glimmer of hope dotting the horizon line. And perhaps it's just in human nature to feel that way- regardless, Vivienne felt it.

There was something so tragic about that loss of freedom she'd once had. No longer was she allowed to be wild, for now she was a caged bird. Captured, with no free will. And no positive thoughts even on the verge of coming into existence. But it was to be expected. Nothing lasts forever, no matter how much you think that thing will. Everything has its own expiration date, whether it be in sixty seconds, or sixty years. Everything ends. Just as her current happiness levels had done.

"Why did you do it?" A deep, bitter voice asked. Her father sat across from her, avoiding eye contact with her as he stared out the window.

"Why do you think? You and mother are terrible at raising children." Her voice was laced with venom, steady and calm, yet ready to lash out at any moment.

"Don't you dare talk to me life that."

"Talk to you like what? This?' her voice grew stronger with every ounce of fury which was slowly filling her body. "This is how you talk to me everyday, every time I'm around you, you talk to me like that. You just can't deal with the fact that I might be able to do the same, so you're sending me off."

Her father's eyes clouded with anger. "I'm doing it for your own good."

"My own good? How would you know what to do for my own good when you don't even know anything about me?" Vivienne's voice cracked slightly as she spoke, tears filling her eyes. A lump formed in her throat, but she swallowed to keep from breaking out into sobs. 

"I don't know anything about you? I'm your father, for god's sake." 

"You might be my father, but that doesn't mean anything. You're a man who happens to be related to me, not my father." 

"Whatever. You will understand in time. And you will thank me for what I have done."

"I will never thank you. I will loathe you until the end of time itself, and don't you ever doubt that for a moment, father."


haha short chapter go brrrr

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