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VIVIENNE SAT SILENTLY AS the room filled with silence. 

Enola had left a mere five minutes ago to meet a visitor, and since then all Vivienne had done was stare at her reflection in the mirror. How her cheeks puffed out, how her hair curled in odd directions. Her teeth weren't perfectly straight, and a few marks colored in red dotted her chin and forehead. She didn't much mind what people would consider flaws. She actually hadn't thought of them as flaws until she was told to. But then, after some odd moment of enlightenment, she realized that there wasn't much point in being insecure. 

Nobody actually cared about the acne that decorated her face, or how her brows were slightly overgrown. The world would keep turning no matter what, the birds would keep churning, and death would continue to plague a few, poor, souls. 

And as the soft, serene light peeked in through the small window, it shed its golden light onto her features. She smiled before she got up and moved towards her bed. She fell onto it and looked at the ceiling

Suddenly, the click of a door opening made her head shoot up. Thankfully, it was only Enola. Her eyes were slightly red, but she seemed very calm, so Vivienne decided not to ask. The other girl greeted her with a smile, before she sat down and began to flip through the newspaper. 

The quiet lasted for a moment, until a knock made them both gasp out of surprise. 

"Delivery from Ferndell Hall." 

Enola stood up and opened the door, while Vivienne straightened out her clothes as she stood up. 

"Care of Mr. Mycroft Holmes." The delivery man spoke in a monotone voice. 

"What does he want?" Enola sighed angrily, opening the door just a little bit more so they could slide the package in. 

The man grunted as he dragged the package through the doorway into the girls' room. "Well, whatever it is, it's heavy."

As the man left, Enola shut the door behind him and turned towards Vivienne. "What on earth do you think Mycroft wants?"

"Beats me. Perhaps he's just being annoying. Most middle-aged men are like that, trust me." Vivienne answered as she circled the package, like a predator around its prey.

It suddenly rustled, as if there was something inside of it. And as if continued doing so, both the girls thought there was something inside of it. 

The sneeze only proved that. Enola kicked it once to see, and an 'ow!' was hissed in a familiar male voice that it only took milliseconds to recognize. Vivienne opened it, and lo and behold, there was Tewkesbury.

Enola hugged him tightly, and for whatever reason, Vivienne felt slightly jealous. But she held her tongue and waved to him from where she was. He waved back awkwardly and with a red face he looked down at Enola.

"You're supposed to be helping us out, not getting stuck in here with us." Enola still smiled though, letting out a soft chuckle as she looked up at his face. "How did you find us?"

"Well, you both said you didn't want to come to Miss Harrison's Finishing School for Young Ladies." He straightened out his coat. "I have quite the prodigious memory when I choose to use it. So I thought we'd go out the way I came in."


"I even wore my most porter-ish coat."

"You've finally done something smart!" Vivienne grinned.

Enola sat herself down as a test, and immediately motioned for Tewkesbury to pull her back up, which he did. "No, that won't work. Miss Harrison, she will see right through you."

"Oh! I knew there was a flaw!" The boy pinched his nose bridge, but Enola shushed him as she thought.

Enola turned towards Vivienne. "Do you have any ideas?" 

AS THEY SQUISHED AGAINST each other, Tewksbury grunted whenever he pushed them down the hall. Enola hissed at him every once in a while, while the other girl was trying to stay calm.

She did not like small spaces. She didn't much care about anything else, that is until Miss Harrison's voice called for the boy to stop there.

And suddenly, getting caught by Miss Harrison was the scariest thing that could possibly happen. 

"Who are you? Have you permission to be in this school?" Miss Harrison hissed at him.

Tewkesbury nervously choked out a story, and the more they spoke, the more nervous Vivienne began to get. 

In summary, Tewkesbury had wasted his remaining braincells on getting in. Because of that, there Enola and Vivienne were, being carried by two girls into Miss Harrison's office. 

Enola suddenly began shaking and making ghastly noises, causing the two girls to gasp and drop the box. Vivienne screamed out of both pain and surprise. This seemed to have a chain reaction, because the two other girls screamed and ran off, and Enola slammed into the opening of the box hard enough that it opened. The girls quickly got out and dragged the box into Miss Harrison's office, and Enola drew a quick doodle of Mycroft kissing Miss Harrison's hand, shoved it into the box and soon enough they were running out of the school, Tewkesbury quick to follow them.

As they hopped onto Miss Harrison's automobile, Enola ripped off the collar from her dress and laughed as she started the car and soon enough, they were riding off into the sunset, far, far away from Miss Harrison and her godawful school.

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