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        VIVIENNE'S BODY STUNG with pain as she rolled down the hill. Shades of green filled her senses, blurring before quickly fading from view as she tumbled away, much to her displeasure. Yellow passed by her, and blue haunted her senses as she continued on her way down. She could feel her body rolling farther and farther away from the train, farther away from the assassin, and farther away from her home. She soon came to the realization that if she rolled any farther, she'd roll right off the cliff and into the ocean, and though she desired adventure, that was not the type of adventure she wanted. And so, with all her strength, she clung onto the tall grasses that surrounded her and stopped herself, a mere meter away from imminent death.

         Enola and Tewksbury both stopped soon enough too, both panting and grunting out of tire. Both the girls made eye contact slightly, Enola silently asking if Vivienne was alright, earning a nod from the latter. They then glanced at Tewksbury, who seemed to be preoccupied with picking the green off his cream colored clothes- a terrible thing to wear when running away. 

         "You do make an awful lot of noise, don't you?" Enola snapped at the boy, pestered by his groans.  Vivienne arched an eyebrow, watching the argument with slight amusement. 

           His lip curled in disdain. "Well it turns out being thrown off a train hurts considerably more than you might think," he exhaled sharply, "and I've lost a button." Enola shook her head in annoyance, taking one last glance at the train, before getting up. She offered a hand to Vivienne, who gladly took it, brushing herself off. 

         "So I assume I'll be getting no help then?" Tewksbury asked, shooting up, though losing his balance in the process making him stumble.

          "You look like a drunkard, with your tousled hair and stumble," the raven haired girl pinched her nose bridge in an effort to gain back her wits, "and that's sort of embarrassing for us, so if you'd please stand up properly."

         Tewksbury made a face at her which she returned. It was now Enola's turn to arch an eyebrow, before demanding that they begin to move away from the cliff and to a safer area. 

         As they started off, Vivienne thought of how the house must've been by now. A state of chaos, disorder. The day beginning with her relatives screaming and shouting, demanding their morning meal, and yelling at each other for the most random things. Nobody in her family was exactly calm, even her aunt Agatha had those moments where she snapped. Unfortunately, it didn't skip a generation and passed on to her- the few words she'd said had proved that. And now with the case of her running off?  Who knows how horrifying her parents' attitudes had become. And even though it scared her slightly, the thought of them lashing out on everyone, she couldn't help but be amused by the thought of their angered, scarlet faces. 

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