The Meeting

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Trigger Warnings: Sexual References, Kink references, Rape attempt, Prostitution, Violence, Death

I had memorized every name on the list.  This was going to be an easy job. I watched the doorway for my target, and there he was. I let myself fall into the role of an innocent girl looking for a way out.  He watched other girls, and I knew I would have to do more to catch his attention. I bit my lip and walked around hoping he would see me. I was right the movement caught his eye. I looked up letting my face become the sight any man would want under him. I bit my lip as he shoved away from the other girls. I looked away and wrapped my arms around myself. The outfit I was wearing was barely held together by strings.
"Hello there," I hear him say to my ear.  He sounded like he was trying to purr seductively but instead it came out choking and raspy.
"Hi," I say shyly.
"What are you doing, princess?"
"Waiting for somebody to take me out of here," I say looking over my shoulder.
"Really?" He asks, again trying that choking purr.
"Yes," I say looking down.
"I think we can manage that," He slides a hand over my hips and I force myself not to shiver. Then his other hand lifte toward my chest, and I back away. "Not here," I whisper and the man nods.  I lead him away from the crowd and out a back door. The alley was empty save for a dumpster. "What's your name?" I ask shyly as I let the door fall shut.  The man looks eager, but says: "Malakin, but you can call me master," I see him reach for me, and I walk into his hand. I could feel my quirk flowing under my skin.
Malakin begins to reach for my chest, and I let go of the tether keeping my quirk under control.  He gasps, and I watch as his hands fall to his sides. He then falls to his knees and his skin turns a sickly pale with tinges of purple. I make my way towards him.
"You never asked my name," I say to him as I kneel down, pouting.
He growls something through his suffocation.
"What was that?" I lean down to his ear.
"Bitch," He says again through a gurgling.
"Wrong, it's Anielle," and with that I pull the small surgical knife from my bra, flip it open, and run it into his neck.
I was grateful for the dumpster, but the big lout took most of my strength to shove inside it.  I grabbed the bag I had left here pulling out the matches and lighting a few throwing them inside before freezing it shut. I then grab a hoodie from the bag and pull it over my head.  I hear a crunching in the alley coming up behind me, so I shrink the ice making it invisible to anybody who wasn't looking. Then I turn making for the street.
"Where is he?" I hear a male voice say.
"Who?" I ask keeping my head down.
"Malakin, I saw him follow you out here," I look up and see a man covered in wicked scars looking at me.
"I don't know who your talking about," I say keeping my eyes down.
"Look whore, I won't mess with your line of work if you don't mess with mine," I finally got where he was coming from. He thought I was a prostitute.
"I'm not sure, men tend to only use my services once," I say, forcing a shy tone into my voice.
"Liar," he says, and I feel my back stiffen. I hadn't been caught in years, and I wasn't going to be today.  "I can smell the fire, newbie," I feel my quirk pulse, and I hide my smile. He was in for it if he thought I was new. I noticed his hand shift, and in the moment it did so I lunged to the side. Then I let my quirk snag a hold on him. His hands stiffened, and I let my hood fall down as I froze his feet in place with the blood still in a pool behind him. The ice shown red.
"Nice quirk, you've got here," He says, raising an eyebrow at me.
"I am going to leave, if you follow me I will end you the same way I did him," I point to the dumpster before continuing "I will unfreeze you when I'm a safe distance away."
He nods, and I pull my hood up before bolting out of the alley. Once I reach the street I turn before coming into the alley on the other side of the building. I create hand and foot holds out of ice from rainwater in puddles on this side of the road. Then I leap onto the top of the building letting all the ice I had formed fall away. I race to the other side of the building, and watch as the man strides out of the alley. He doesn't look back, and neither do I as I bolt across rooftops. As I finished the rest of my jobs, I couldn't get the sight of those burns out of my head. It was infuriating.

Total Word Count:889

Thanks for reading! I can't wait to continue this piece, it most likely will be pretty fast paced. Feel free to comment! Until we meet again...
-S.O. Sullivan

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