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Everything was right with the world. Well Addison's world. The gods were no longer contacting her for life threatening quest, there were no big avenger missions she had to be a part of, her and Wanda were going strong, and she had just been announced as Spiderman's partner and 'sister' Olympia. While Olympia was out protecting the neighborhood Addison Stark was announced to the public and helping out in Stark industries. Tony even went as far as to insist that she was smarter them himself. 

"No Peter I will not help you build a full scale Death star in the desert, I will not let you build a working lighsaber and no you can not and will not try to build a life sized Daleks to scar Steve and Bucky." 

"But Addie You're my big sister your supposed to help me reach my full potential." 

"You can and most definitely will reach that with out destroying the world, you will either give villains Science fiction weapons or risk the Daleks gaining sentience." 

There was a pause, "yea I can see how tat would be problematic."

"Addie" Wanda called rushing into her bedroom jumping on the couch that Addison was currently sitting on snuggled up in a big blanket. her book open in her lap and per phone to her ear. 

"I'll call you later Fratellino" 

"okay sorella" she could hear him pouting. 

Addison hung up and turned to her girlfriend who was playing with Addison's newly red colored hair, "Yes love." She placed her book down on the table in front of them and turned to her girlfriend giving her a long hard kiss. 

"I was thinking we should take a vacation." 

Addie raised an eyebrow she was unfamiliar with the Idea of a vacation she had been a solider and a fighter her whole life. "Where?" 

Wanda was now practically sitting on Addison's lap "Anywhere it doesn't matter but I think we both need to get away from all this hero stuff and you could use a break from helping your father run SI and on top of that is almost your 23th birthday." 

She took a moment to think about it, "Yeah I could use a break from something blowing up every few minutes and the weird android and super brothers. Lets go anywhere." 

Wanda smiled and kissed her girlfriend all over her face making her giggle,"Ms. Stark your father had told me to alert you and Ms. Maximoff that dinner is done."  FRIDAY announced. 

"Tell him were coming down." 

Wanda was staying with the Starks for the time being so she could be with Addie which was great but also annoying with Tony looking though the door every few minutes. They got down to the dinning hall were they were met with a pleasant surprise... Peppers cooking.

"Ma" Addison smiled rushing over to her other mother. 

"Hello sweetie, Hello Wanda" She smiled laughing. 

"We didn't know you were coming back so soon." Wanda told her sitting down at the table across from her and Tony. 

"We finished up early so I decided to come home." 

Addison smiled, "Father control your son" 

"Which one." He asked pilling his plate. "Harley Vision or, Peter" 

Wanda and Pepper stifle laughs at the answer that flowed so easily out of the supposedly heartless Billionaire's mouth. "Harley is an issue for another day, I'm pretty sure he started a robot uprising at his school and gods knows were Vision is" There was a thundering over head as to say, 'no we don't.' 

"How is what Peter did any worse then a high school robot uprising." Tony aske frantically already calling the bank to fix any damage Harley caused to his school.

"Your smol nerd child wants to either destroy countries by creating a real life death star, give villains sci-fi weapons by creating Lightsabers, Or risk the Extermination of the human race by making Daleks and risking them gaining sentience like Vision." 

There was dramatic pause, he looked to be considering it before Pepper gave him a look, "Remind me to revoke his lab privilege's." 

They talked about anything and everything, "Tony is insistent on another kid." Pepper mentioned. 

"Is that a hint? Should I be on the look out for another sibling?" Addison asked with a raised eyebrow. 

Pepper quickly reassured her, "No, No there's no new siblings." 

She breathed out, "Not that I'd hate it but you saw the Athena cabin I have a lot of siblings. not to mention the three brothers I have over here" 

"Sir Ms. Chase and Mr. Jackson are here." 

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear." 

Wanda laughed at her girl friends dramatics, "I forgot we invited them over to watch a star wars marathon." 

Percy bounded through the door with a nemo pillow a bunch of snacks and Annabeth walking behind him with her own pillow. "Hey" She smiled. 

"Hey" Addison greeted getting up to hug her sister and friend. "Percy you are almost 25." He hugged his Nemo pillow in offence like his life depended on it.

"We're still eating do you guys want  to join," Pepper offered. They took their seat and joined on the conversation before the two couples ran to Addison's room. 

Tony looked up at the ceiling, "Friday make sure everything stays PG in there and I'm not talking about the Movie." 

"Yes sir."

Pepper smacked her fiancé on the shoulder and breathed out an exasperated sigh.

Annabeth and Addison created a big fluffy spot on the floor because they were basically big children and they started the movies, "Peters gonna be mad we watched this without him" Wanda noted taking a big handful of chips.

"The we don't tell him." Percy suggested. 

"I think he had star wars super senses." Addison told them, "Its like his Spidey sense alerts him if were watching Star wars with out him." At that moment her phone went off with a text from Peter 'I sense a 'disturbance in the force'  "See." She showed them. 

"Wow." Annabeth blinked. 

She texted back, 'There is no disturbance, why aren't you focused on patrol?'  then put her phone back and leaned into her girlfriend who pulled her into her lap and draped a blanket around them. After the movies the Demigod Couple was a sleep but not the others. "Where should we go on the vacation you suggested." 

"Anywhere or everywhere." 

"How about Europe." Addison suggested laying on top of her girlfriend.

Wanda gave her girlfriend a funny look, "That's expensive Addie." 

She smirked, "Are you forgetting who my parents are, Who my family is." She looked up at her star painted ceiling up at the constellation of Zoe the same tattoo that now stood proudly on her leg "Lets forget about the cost for once and run around the world." 

Wanda smiled, at her dreamy face, "Yeah" She held Addison tighter, "Lets run around the world." 

"BETRAYAL!" the couples all jumped to attention sleepiness abandoned only to see the teenage vigilante in the window eyes narrowed at the TV screen arms crossed like an angry parent.

"You're on the wrong end of that look Sir!" 

The Red Olympians War (Olympia Book two)Where stories live. Discover now