t h r e e.

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[Y/N's POV]
The day i had finally been looking forward to arrived. My sister was getting married!! Tonight was her bachelorette party. All her 4 bridesmaids had rented a room, including me. 2 per room. The bride herself had her own room of course.


After an endless night of alcohol, strippers and gossip, we finally headed back to the hotel at 2.30am. I didn't drink of course. I told my mother that my sister would drink for the two of us. And she did. Of course we as her bridesmaids took pictures, and even drew a dildo on her butt at one point(don't ask or tell anyone)

We had changed out of our glamourous tops(Dont worry; they're not what we're wearing for the wedding ceremony) and everyone else was fast asleep. Ruby was passed out on the couch. Danielle had fallen asleep next to the mini fridge. Luna, my best friend from the wizarding world, had fallen asleep on the floor near the toilet. I slumped next to her, unable to sleep.

I sat in the balcony, staring at the stars. In a moment like this, i was reminded of someone who i used to love. We went to Hogwarts together and were that couple everyone was anticipating to get together. Hell, the Teachers even placed bets(Dumbledore wore a sulky face when he realised we didn't get together at the Yule Ball like he expected). His name was Draco Malfoy. His hair was a thousand shades of gold that made new mosaics in the crisp winter air.
His eyes were muddy green; the shape of an almond that sparkled in the sunlight. He was the only person who i had been with, that i truly was happy. We broke up when I went back to the muggle world after he had an arranged marriage with some girl named Pansy.

I looked up at the stars and remembered that first kiss up at the Astronomy tower. We were inseparable; him and I. But, i suppose all good things come to an end. I guess some part of me just thought that I'd have that happy ending with him that I'd always been dreaming of. Every night that we cuddled, he'd sing me La Vie En Rose, which he knew was my favourite song. I'd fall asleep right on his chest. He'd play with my hair and hold my hand; lots of forehead kisses. Those nights were the best.
Oh well; guess we broke up for a reason. The universe didn't want us to be together; so we didn't end up together.

I placed my arms on the ledge of the balcony overlooking the garden and the pool and placed my head on my arms and begun singing La Vie En Rose.
The memories came back to me. I would give anything just to be with him again. He probably has a child or two already I'm sure. I could just imagine him asleep with the baby in his arms; in the rocking chair in the nursery room.

"Give your heart and soul to me
and life will always be
La Vie En Rose."

A male voice joined in to the ending of La Vie En Rose. It was coming from the room on my right.

"Sorry if I shocked you. That's just my favourite song. It puts me to sleep even on the darkest days." I heard the voice say.

"I used to sing that to my girlfriend whenever we cuddled to get her to sleep. She'd lay her head on my chest, then interlock our palms. My heart would melt everytime I saw her fall asleep. She looked so peaceful. We broke up of course and well, i got married. Or was supposed to anyway. Apolgies, I wasn't supposed to just randomly tell a stranger about the girl I dreamed of having life with." He said, and for a moment, there was a gleam of hope in my heart. Could it be? After all these years?

"I used to have a boyfriend. My first love actually. I went back to the muggle world when he got engaged and well, that was that. We broke up, and I never saw him again. I used to dream of being the one to marry him. But not all dreams come true I guess. If fate will bring us together, then we'll be together. Not for me though. Been single since I broke up with him though I did have the occasional fling. Nothing too serious." I said, stranger to hopefully-not-stranger.

"I suppose some part of me has always hoped that we'd end up together again somehow. But I guess like you said stranger, not everyone gets happy endings. She probably has already started a family though. I'm going to admit something to you that you hopefully won't tell anyone. It's been years, and even though she has probably forgotten me, i still have her scrunchie. I love her endlessly and always will. I never really found true happiness after her. She taught me how it felt like to be loved by someone. I miss her ." He poured his heart out to me. I knew then that I had to see for myself if it was him.

"Hey. You seem like a nice enough person. Do you wanna go for coffee at that cafe by the beach? I'll wait outside your door. You don't have to dress up fancy for me. Hell, I don't even know what you look like. I'm showing up in a sweater and sweats. It's cold so I apologise if my lips look non existent." Now was my chance.

We both closed our eyes . He waited outside my door while I quickly bunned up my hair. I was not mentally prepared to see him again but oh well. I was not going to miss the opportunity.

"3,2,1." We counted down and as we opened our eyes, for a moment, it was like I was 15 again. Draco Malfoy. He was even more even more perfect than I remember. His platinum blonde hair and green eyes were a look I never wanted to forget. His soul was scarily beautiful; and I soaked in every inch of it.

[Draco's POV]
Standing in front of me was the girl of my dreams. She was even more breathtaking than I remembered her to be. Her soul was as gorgeous as a sunset; even more maybe. Before I knew what I was doing, i cupped her face and our lips were embraced in each other's. We were finally back together and we could be the protagonists of the world if we wanted to. The important thing was that we were back together again; and I was never going to let go of her. She was the only woman who showed me how love felt like. I could truly be myself around her.

Every inch of my heart and soul was dedicated to show her how much I loved her and treasured her. In that moment, as we stood outside her hotel room door, I knew i she was the one. I could not wait to start a life with her. She was perfect. The thought of a little y/n running around someday warmed my heart. But of course, that could only happen over the course of time. I didn't mind waiting for time to pass. I had gotten my hearts desire. There was nothing I could want more in the world.

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now