t h i r t e e n.

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[Y/N's POV]

You let out a sigh as you put down your pen, knowing you finally finished Professor Snape's homework which would mean that your weekends were now free(thanks to Hermoine of course.)

With a sigh of relief, you pick up your phone and see a text message from your boyfriend, Draco.

D: Baby have you seen my black shirt? I want to wear it to hogsmeade tomorrow but I can't find it
You chuckle to yourself as you send Draco a picture with the caption: I have no idea what you're talking about.

The conversation continues for a while, until Draco eventually stops texting you,leaving you on delivered as per usual.

Just as you're about to head for supper in the Great Hall with Luna and Hermoine, you feel arms being wrapped around your waist and a head leaning on your shoulder.

"Are you ready for our date tomorrow?" said Draco.
"That depends. You gonna let me steal your hoodie?" you say, smiling.
"I already have them laid out on my bed. You can choose which one you want." he says.
"It's our last trip to Hogsmeade. We're gonna graduate from this place soon. I cant wait." you say, and he kisses your shoulder.
You spend the night cuddling but when you wake up, he's already gone back. You assume he's gone to get ready and notice a black hoodie on your chair, heavily sprayed with his cologne.

[Draco's POV]
Oh god oh god . Today was the day. Time seemed to past ever so quickly and soon, I was in Hogsmeade. There could not be more butterflies in my stomach.
I had been planning this for months.


It was all laid out. The flowers, the candles, the lights, the music. I hope Y/N would like this.

It is inspired by Y/N's favourite Disney movie, Tangled

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It is inspired by Y/N's favourite Disney movie, Tangled. She had mentioned to me that she would like to imagine herself as a Disney princess when proposed to. I of course, took the liberty in dressing up like Flynn Rider.

——————timeskip bc im lazy—————————

[Y/N's POV]
Oh. My. God. The walkway back to Hogwarts was now lit up. There were lanterns everywhere and water lilies that lit up. There was a path lit up by the lanterns. Hermoine, from behind me, urged me to follow the path as she walked back, whispering "Good Luck" as she did.

Somewhat clueless, I did as she said and followed the pathway all the way to a circle lit up by the water lilies. In the circle stood Draco, with the biggest smile on his face.

"Draco, this is really sweet. What is all this?" You said as you admired the hard work Draco had put in for you.

"Y/N. We've been together for 7 years now and I cant see myself with anyone but you. These past 7 years with you have been nothing but happiness and comfort. I cherish every moment spent with you. You've taught me things that helped me become a better person. I remember, at the Yule Ball, you said that you'd have the sucky memory of me walking out the door, ending our fairytale story. The truth is, I don't want our story to end. So, will  you do me the honour of making me the happiest Flynn Rider in the world and be my Rapunzel and marry me?" Tears begin to form as he bent down on one knee, pulling out the snitch from your first Quidditch game. He clicked on the snitch to reveal a diamond ring.

"Yes." He stood up, putting the ring on your finger. You pulled him into a kiss. You were officially engaged now.

[10 years later]
"Uhm all right then could I have everyone's attention?" You heard Harry say from the microphone.

"For the first time ever, i present to you, Mr And Mrs Y/N and Draco Malfoy!!" You and Draco walk in, a big smile on both your faces.

"May I have this dance malady?" Draco said, smiling.
You extend your hand and link it in his, the dance floor belonging to you. Draco pulled you close to him, your head leaning on his neck.

"We did it baby. We finally got our happy ever after." he said, and you kissed him. You loved Draco and you knew that he loved you more.

You couldnt wait to see a little Draco running around soon. Of course, this was just the start of it. You'd only told Luna and Hermoine, and later in the cab, you planned to tell Draco.

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