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[alternate ending to the imagine before this]

"Y/N? Y/N?" I called as I entered the bathroom. The stalls were mostly empty, except for one stall. I could hear her sobbing and crying; she'd locked the door so I couldn't come in.

"G-go away Draco. I want to be alone now." She said through tears and sobs.

I waited outside for her for hours; I'd been in there the whole day that I fell asleep. By the time I woke up, she was gone. I assumed she went back to the Ravenclaw common room for the night, because when I went to dinner, she wasn't there.

I woke up the next morning and realised that I'd gotten a text from her. "Thanks for waiting outside the toilet last night for me. You looked like you were enjoying the nap so I didn't wanna wake you. See you in class" it said , with a smiley face . I smiled at my phone(just pretend this is set in 2020) and as i unplugged my phone from the charger and headed out of the common room to breakfast, i noticed a commotion outside Potions class.

Dumbledore and Snape were waiting outside of the bathroom. I peeped over Snape's shoulder and saw McGonnagal inside, and we made eye contact as she was coming out. By now, there were a few students trying to see what it was all about. I turned to my right and saw Fred Weasely looking worried.

"Weasely. What's going on? Why's everyone crowding around?" I asked, in an attempt to discover the mystery of what the hell was happening.

"Haven't you heard? They found a body last night in the girls bathroom where Myrtle lives." He said.

"Did they identify the body of the girl?"
"It's Y/N. She drowned in her own tears last night at 4am."
I felt my heart stop. She couldn't be-

"I am so sorry Draco. I know how much she meant to you." Snape said as he made his way towards me.

"Professor. Please. P-please. She can't leave me. I had a life planned with her. She's everything I live for. Please professor. Bring her back to me. I need her. P-please." I broke down in tears as I ran back to the common room.

They said that they were going to do checks to just confirm that Y/N was dead, and then there would be arrangements.

The thought of physically not seeing her every day was bad enough for me. The thought that while she was crying and breaking down at 3am, while I was asleep, soundly, was just unfair to me. The thought that I couldn't be there for her.....

————————————The next day————————-
I just wanted to see her one last time. I just wanted to hold her one last time. But, Professor Dumbledore had restricted everyone such that we could only come out for meals. Classes had been suspended for the week. So have our weekly Hogsmeade visits.

As the memories of me and y/n at hogsmeade came flooding back, I let it over take my mind as I fell fast asleep.

"Malfoy. Malfoy. Malfoy." Professor McGonagall awoke me.

"Yeah? I'm awake what's up?"

"Miss Y/N's alive. She's currently resting in the hospital wing and would like to see you."

Y-Y/N was alive? I couldn't believe this. I ran to the hospital wing, my heart racing with every footstep i took.

"Y-Y/N!! you're alive oh my god" I ran to her and sobbed as i hugged her.

"Shhh, don't cry Draco. I'm here now. You're okay." She kissed my forehead.

"Y/N....I have to tell you something." I said, as i stared at the floor.

"What is it Draco? You can tell me anything you know."

"Okay uh here goes. I'm crazy in love with you Y/N.  I love you and want to protect you no matter what. The thought of you dying without knowing how I feel about you drove me crazy. I wanna be with you. You're probably thinking that I'm insane for thinking this and you probably don't love me bac-" she cut me off with a kiss.

[Y/N's pov]

I broke away from the kiss and noticed he was blushing furiously. I smiled at him and put his hand in mine.

"Let's just be together, okay? Y/N i love you so much." He said, with the softest look on his face.

"I love you too, Draco. It's always been you, you know that?" I smiled as i cupped his face, kissing him

[Draco's POV]
Y/N, the girl who I had been in love with since year 1 loves me back? This feels surreal and I never want it to end. I love her and I know for a fact that I will never stop.

I couldn't wait for nights when we cuddled. I couldn't wait for our Hogsmeade dates. I couldn't wait to make memories with her.

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now